

Currently, there are no funded positions available. However, we welcome applications also independent of current calls.

Early career researchers with qualification and high motivation to work interdisciplinary in the field of natural products research are encouraged to contact Raphael Reher with their CV and reference to discuss project and funding opportunities.

We are always seeking for motivated Students that are fascinated by natural products to conduct their bachelor or master thesis work in the lab. Please contact Raphael Reher if you’re interested.                                                                                                                                

Prof. Dr. Raphael Reher
Assistant Professor for Natural Product Research
Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Robert-Koch-Str. 4, 35037 Marburg

email: raphael.reher@pharmazie.uni-marburg.de
T: +49 / (0)6421 28-22611 (office)
F: +49 / (0)6421 28-26678 (fax)

