
Highlights 2024

  • We are thrilled to present our research at ICNPR 2024 in Kraków. If you want to learn more about our exciting research ranging from marine fungi over G-proteins to Ancient Egyptian artifacts, please stop at posters S1.P139 (Tim Berger), S1.P274 (Bastian Brand), and S3.P100 (Amira Naimi).

We  are very happy that (almost licensed) pharmacist Bastian Brand joined our group. Welcome to the Natural Products Discovery Lab, Bastian!

Highlights 2023

  • Ein Bericht über den diesjährigen Betriebsausflug bei der Engelhard Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, verfasst von Doktorandin Amira Naimi und Prof. Reher, ist in der Deutschen Apotheker Zeitung erschienen. Vielen Dank noch einmal für die spannende Führung und Organisation von Sonja Hiemenz!

  • A great comunity effort covering synergies between omics-based natural product discovery and computational drug design "Artificial intelligence for natural product drug discovery http://bit.ly/488vLOB" was published in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery (IF 112) and received astonishing resonance in the media, (currently rankend 2nd among 55 tracked articles of a similar age in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, link to altmetric scores).

Highlights 2022

  • It was a great "Day of Pharmacy" at Marburg University where my colleagues an I were honored to give our Inaugural Lectures

  • We are very happy that Sina joined or group in October 2022. Welcome to the NaProDis-Team :-)