Prof. Dr. Raphael Reher



+49 6421 28-22611 +49 6421 28-26678 raphael.reher@pharmazie 1 Robert-Koch-Straße 4
35032 Marburg
N|02 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 013 bzw. 00/0130)
Foto: Amira Naimi

Raphael studied Pharmacy (1.-3. state examination) at the University of Münster and obtained his approbation as licensed Pharmacist from there. During an advanced lab course, Raphael was first introduced into the fascinating world of natural product isolation and structure elucidation. He then moved to Bonn for his M. Sc. in Drug Research where he spent parts of his Master studies in the Kostenis and Imhof labs and wrote his Master thesis in the König lab focusing on natural products from symbiotic bacteria of Traditional Chinese Medicine plants. Raphael then stayed in the König lab for his Ph.D. working on chemical, pharmacological, and ecological aspects of a specialized metabolite within a DFG-funded research unit. Funded by a NIH grant Raphael then joined the Gerwick lab as a postdoc at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Skaggs School of Pharmacy at the University of California where he developed new NMR- and MS-based tools towards the automated structure elucidation of natural products from cyanobacteria, accelerated by machine learning methods, in close collaborations with the Dorrestein, Bandeira, and Cottrell labs. Subsequently, he moved to Halle, exploring the emerging cryoEM-technique MicroED for structure elucidation of small molecules from mixtures in subnanomolar quantities. In March 2022, Raphael was appointed Professor of Pharmaceutical Bioanalytics and Natural Product Discovery at the University of Marburg.

CV Raphael Reher

from to what
03/2022 now Assistant Professor for Pharmaceutical Bioanalytics and Natural Product Research at University of Marburg
11/2020 02/2022 Senior Scientist / Habilitand at University of Halle-Wittenberg (Prof. Dr. T. Niedermeyer lab)
09/2018 10/2020 Postdoctoral researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, USA (Prof. Dr. W. H. Gerwick lab)
05/2018 09/2018 Staff Research Associate at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, USA (Prof. Dr. W. H. Gerwick lab)
09/2018 Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) in Pharmaceutical Sciences
04/2015 09/2018 Ph. D. Studies at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology, Univ. of Bonn, Germany (Prof. Dr. Gabriele. M. König lab)
07/2015 M.Sc. Drug Research
10/2013 07/2015 Graduate studies of "Drug Research" at University of Bonn, Germany
09/2013 Licensure as pharmacist / apothecary
04/2008 04/2012 Undergraduate and graduate studies of "Pharmacy" at University of Münster, Germany
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