Dr. Karl-Heinz Rexer
Akad. Rat
+49 6421 28-25436 +49 6421 28-22092 rexer@biologie 1 Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 835032 Marburg
K|05 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 2317)
Philipps-Universität Marburg Biologie (Fb17) Biodiversität Evolutionäre Ökologie der Pflanzen (AG Junker)Publikationen
Zu den Publikationen im ForschungsinformationssystemUniversity Marburg
I am fascinated by the almost unmanageable large field of fungal biodiversity. On the one hand taxonomical and phylogenetic issues, especially concerning the larger fungi and on the other hand all the diverse ways fungi found to interact with their biotic and abiotic environment are catching my attention. Looking at fungi means for me, looking through a microscope finding fascinating structures hidden to the bare eyes. And not only the microscopic structures found on carpophores or spores are fascinating, since the majority of the fungal diversity is still hidden in the various niches these organisms occupy, even in Central Europe new species of mushroom can be found. My focus lies on white-spored species with agaricoid carpophores, being under the spell of the genus Mycena.
Additionally, I am responsible for a SEM and for the Herbarium Marburgense (https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/fb17/fachbereich/infrastruktur/sammlungen/herbarium-marburgense). Both were important tools for the study of biodiversity.
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