Im Folgenden finden Sie alle Publikationen der AG Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung, aufgeschlüsselt nach dem Erscheinungsdatum.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2021
- Groos, A R, Akçar, N, Yesilyurt, S, Miehe, G, Vockenhuber, C, Veit, H (2021) Nonuniform Late Pleistocene glacier fluctuations in tropical Eastern Africa, Sci Adv, 7, eabb6826. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb6826
- Miehe, G., Shabeh ul Hasson, Glaser, B, Mischke;S, Böhner, J, Knaap, W O v d, Leeuwen, J F N v, La Duo, Miehe, S, Haberzettl, T (2021) Föhn, fire and grazing in Southern Tibet? A 20,000-year multi-proxy record in an alpine ecotonal ecosystem, J Quat Sci Rev
- Miehe, G (2021) Extrem kalt-arides Subzonobiom VII(tlX) der Kälte- und Hochlandwüsten Zentralasiens: Tibet. In SW Breckle (Ed.) Ökologie der Erde, Bd 3. Spezielle Ökologie der Gemässigten und Arktischen Zonen Euro-Nordasiens. Zonobiom VI-IX. 3. Ed. Stuttgart. Schweizerbart. Pp 405-454.
- Tao, WJ, Ju Tsam, Milne, R, Miehe, G, Wang, WT, Li; JL, Lei, C, Mao, KS (2021) Improved photosynthesis by leaf nutrient content enhances water use efficiency in Juniperus tibetica along elevation gradients above 4000 m a.s.l. Plant Ecology & Diversity DOI:1080/17550874.2021.1933232
- Groos, A R, Akçar, N, Yesilyurt, S, Miehe, G, Vockenhuber, C, Veit, H (2021) Nonuniform Late Pleistocene glacier fluctuations in tropical Eastern Africa, Sci Adv, 7, eabb6826. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb6826
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2020
- Bittner, L, Bliedtner, M, Grady, D, Gil-Romera,G, Martin-Jones, C, Lemma, B, Mekonnen, B, Lamb, H F, Yang,H, Glaser, B, Szidat, S, Salazar, Rose, N L, Opgenoorth, L, Miehe, G, Zech, W, Zech, M
(2020) Revisiting afro-alpine Lake Garba Guracha in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia: rationale, chronology, geochemistry, and paleoenvironmental implications. J Paleolimnology 64: 293–314.
- Nowak, P, Phyo Kay Khine, Homeier, J, Leuschner, C, Miehe, G, Kluge, J
(2020): A plot-based elevational assessment of species densities, life forms and leaf traits of seed plants in the south-eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspot, North Myanmar. Plant Ecology & Diversity, DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2020.1846218
- Bittner, L, Bliedtner, M, Grady, D, Gil-Romera,G, Martin-Jones, C, Lemma, B, Mekonnen, B, Lamb, H F, Yang,H, Glaser, B, Szidat, S, Salazar, Rose, N L, Opgenoorth, L, Miehe, G, Zech, W, Zech, M
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2019
Gil-Romera G, Adolf C, Benito B, Johansson M, Bittner L, Fekadu M, Glaser B, Mekonnen B, Grady D, Lamb H, Lemma B, Rensen D, Zech M, Zech W, Miehe G
(2019) Long-term fire resilience of the Ericaceous Belt, Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Biology Letters 15. Doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2019.0357 -
Mipam T-D, Zhong L-L, Liu J-Q, Miehe G, Tian L-M.
(2019) Productive Overcompensation of Alpine Meadows in Response to Yak Grazing in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Front. Plant Sci. 10:925. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00925 -
Mipam, T.D., Chen, SY., Liu, JQ. Miehe, G.
(2019) Short-term yak-grazing alters plant-soil stoichiometric relations in an alpine meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Plant Soil doi:10.1007/s11104-019-04401-6 -
Miehe, G., Schleuss, P.M., Seeber, E.,Babel, W., Biermann, T., Braendle, M., Fahu Chen,Coners, C., Foken, T., Gerken, T., Graf, H.F., Guggenberger, G., Hafner, S., Holzapfel M., Ingrisch, J., Kuzyakov, Y., Lai, Z.P., Lehnert, L., Leuschner, C., Li X.G., Liu, JQ., Liu SB., Ma, YM., Miehe, S., Mosbrugger, M., Noltie, H.J. Schmidt, J., Spielvogel, S., Unteregelsbacher, S., Wang, Y., Willinghöfer, S., Xu, XL., Yang, YP., Zhang SR., Opgenoorth, L., Wesche, K.
(2019) The Kobresia pygmaea ecosystem of the Tibetan highlands - Origin, functioning and degradation of the world’s largest pastoral alpine ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 648, 754-771. -
Ossendorf, G., Groos, A.R., Bromm, T., Minassie G. T. Glaser, B., Lesur, J., Schmidt, J., Naki Akcar, Tamrat Bekele, Alemseged Beldadosa, Sebsebe Demissew, Trash Hadush Kasay, Nash, B.P., Nauss, T., Agazi Negash, ; Sileshi Nemomissa, Veit, H., Vogelsang, R., Zerihun Woldu, Zech, W., Opgenoorth, L., Miehe., G.
(2019) Middle Stone Age foragers resided in high elevations of the glaciated Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Science 365, 583-587. -
Gil-Romera G, Adolf, C., Benito, BM, Bittner, L., Johannson, M.U., Grady, D.A., Lamb, H.F., Bruk Lemma, Mekbib Fekadu, Glaser, B., Betelhem Mekonnen, Sevilla-Callejo, M., Zech, M., Zech, W., Miehe, G.
(2019) Long-term fire resilience of the Ericaceous Belt, Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Biology Letters 15: 20190357 -
Hofmann S, Baniya CB, Litvinchuk SN, Miehe G, Li J-T, Schmidt J.
(2019) Phylogeny of spiny frogs Nanorana (Anura: Dicroglossidae) supports a Tibetan origin of a Himalayan species group. Ecol Evol. 2019: 00 :1–14. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5909
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2018
Wang, Y., Lehnert, L.W., Holzapfel, M., Schultz, R., Heberling, G., Görzen, E., Meyer, H., Seeber, E., Pinkert, S., Ritz, R. Fu, Y., Ansorge, H., Bendix, J., Seifert, B., Miehe, G., Long, R.J., Yang, Y.P., Wesche, K.
(2018): Multiple Indicators yield diverging Results on grazing Degradation and climate Controls across Tibetan Pastures. Ecological Indicators 93: 1199–1208. -
Reber, D., Mekbib, F., Detsch, F., Vogelsang, R., Tamrat B., Nauss, T., Miehe, G.
(2018) High-altitude Rock Shelters and Settlements in an African Alpine Ecosystem: The Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. Human Ecology 46:587-600. -
Long, D. Rinchen Y., Schmidt, J., Hartmann, M., Kencho D., Lehnert, L., Opgenoorth, L., Kluge, J., Koch, T.L., Miehe, G.
(2018): Is there a particular need to study high altitude diversity in the Eastern Himalaya of Bhutan? A report on a Bhutanese-European biogeography cooperative venture. Hartmann, Barclay & Weipert: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VI. - Erfurt, 35-58.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2017
Kluge, Jürgen; Worm, Sebastian; Lange, Simon; Long, David; Böhner, Jürgen; Yangzom Rinchen; Miehe, Georg.
(2017): Elevational seed plants richness patterns in Bhutan, Eastern Himalaya. Journal of Biogeography 44:1711-1722. -
Phyo Kay Khine; Fraser-Jenkins, Christopher; Lindsay, Stuart; Middleton, David; Miehe, Georg; Philip, Thomas; Kluge, Jürgen.
(2017): A Contribution Towards the Knowledge of Ferns and Lycophytes from Northern and Northwestern Myanmar. American Fern Journal 107:219-256. -
Wang, Yun; Heberling, Gwendolyn; Görzen, Eugen; Miehe, Georg; Seeber, Elke; Wesche, Karsten.
(2017): Combined effects of livestock grazing abd abiotic environment on vegetation and soils of grasslands across Tibet. Applied Vegetation Science 20:327-339. -
Li Zhang, Sebastian Unteregelsbacher, Silke Hafner, Xingliang Xu, Per-Marten Schleuss, Georg Miehe and Yakov Kuzyakov.
(2017): Fate of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen in Crusted and Non-Crusted Kobresia Grasslands. Land Degradation and Development: 28: 166-174.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2016
Seeber, Elke; Miehe, Georg; Hensen, Isabel; Yang, Yongping; Wesche, Karsten.
(2016): Mixed reproduction strategy and polyploidy facilitates dominance of Kobresia pygmaea on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Plant Ecology. 9 (1): 87-99. -
Coners, Heinz; Babel, Wolfgang; Willinghöfer, Sandra; Biermann, Tobias; Köhler, Lars; Seeber, Elke; Foken, Thomas; Ma, Yaoming; Yang, Yongping; Miehe, Georg; Leuschner, Christoph.
(2016): Evapotranspiration and water balance of high-elevation grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 533: 557–566. -
Hofmann, Sylvia; Fritzsche, Peter; Miehe, Georg.
(2016): A new record of Elaphe dione from high altitude in Western Sichuan reveals high intraspecific differentation. Salamandra 52: 273-277. -
Wan, Dong‐Shi; Feng, Jian‐Ju; Mao, Kang‐Shan; Duan, Yuan‐Wen; Miehe, Georg; Opgenoorth, Lars.
(2016):The Quaternary evolutionary history, potential distribution dynamics and conservation implications for a Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic herbaceous perennial, Anisodus tanguticus (Solanaceae). Ecology and Evolution 6: 1977-1995.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2015
- Tkach, Natalia; Röser, Martin; Miehe, Georg; Muellner-Riehl, Alexandra N.; Ebersbach, Jana; Favre, Adrien; Hoffmann, Matthias.
(2015): Molecular phylogenetics, morphology and a revised classification of the complex genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae).Taxon, 64: 1159-1187. - Ingrisch, Johannes; Biermann, Tobias; Seeber, Elke; Leipold, Thomas; Li, Maoshan; Ma, Yaoming; Xu, Xingliang; Miehe, Georg; Guggenberger, Georg; Foken, Thomas; Kuzyakov, Yakov.
(2015): Carbon pools and fluxes in a Tibetan alpine Kobresia pygmaea pasture partitioned by coupled eddy-covariance measurements and 13CO2 pulse labeling, Science of the Total Environment 505:1213–1224. - Seeber, Elke; Miehe, Georg; Hensen, Isabell; Yang, Yongpinp; Wesche, Karsten.
(2015): Mixed reproduction strategy and polyploidy facilitate dominance of Kobresia pygmaea on the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Plant Ecology: doi:10.1093/jpe/rtv035. - Shang, Hui-Ying; Li, Zhong-Hu; Dong, Miao; Adams, Robert P; Miehe, Georg; Opgenoorth, Lars; Mao, Kang-Shan.
(2015): Evolutionary origin and demographic history of an ancient conifer (Juniperus microsperma) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Scientific Reports: doi:10.1038/srep10216. - Miehe, Georg; Pendry, Colin; Chaudhary, Ram (eds).
(2015): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Edinburgh, VIII + 561pp. - Miehe, Georg; Khanal, Narendra Raj.
(2015): Regional Setting: Nepal in the Himalayas. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp. 1-6. - Miehe, Georg.
(2015): Landscapes of Nepal. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp. 7-16. - Böhner, Jürgen; Miehe, Georg; Miehe, Sabine; Nagy, Laszlo.
(2015): Climate and weather. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, p. 23-90. - Miehe, Georg; Weidinger, Johannes T.
(2015): Himalayan landforms and processes. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp. 103-124. - Miehe, Georg; Welk, Erik; Kluge, Jürgen; Pendry, Colin.
(2015): Himalayan plant distribution patterns. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp. 144-168. - Schmidt, Joachim; Opgenoorth, Lars; Miehe, Georg.
(2015): Speciation, uplift and climate change. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp.168-173. - Schmidt-Vogt, Dietrich; Miehe, Georg.
(2015): Land use. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp.287-310. - Miehe, Georg; Blackmore, Stephen; van Driem, George; Zech, Roland; Khum, N. Paudayal; Fujii, Rie.
(2015): Environmental history. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp. 311-346. - Miehe, Georg.
(2015): Ecological transects. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp. 347-384. - Miehe, Georg; Miehe, Sabine; Böhner, Jürgen; Bäumler, Rupert; Ghimire, Suresh K.; Battarai, Khem; Chaudhary, Ram P.; Subedi, Mahendra; Jha, Pramod K.; Pendry, Colin.
(2015): Vegetation Ecology. – In: Georg Miehe, Colin Pendry, Ram Chaudhary (eds): Nepal. An introduction to the natural history, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion to the Flora of Nepal. – Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, pp. 385-472.
- Tkach, Natalia; Röser, Martin; Miehe, Georg; Muellner-Riehl, Alexandra N.; Ebersbach, Jana; Favre, Adrien; Hoffmann, Matthias.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2014
Hofmann, Sylvia; Kraus, Sabine; Dorge, Tsering; Nothnagel, Michael; Fritzsche, Peter; Miehe, Georg.
(2014): Effects of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on the phylogeography, demography and population structure of a high-elevation snake species, Thermophis baileyi, on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Biogeography, in press. -
Miehe, Georg; Miehe, Sabine; Böhner, Jürgen; Kaiser, Knut; Hensen, Isabel; Madsen, David; Liu, JianQuan; Opgenoorth, Lars.
(2014): How old is the human footprint in the world’s largest alpine ecosystem? A review of multiproxy records from the Tibetan Plateau from the ecologists’ viewpoint. Quaternary Science Reviews 86: 190-209. -
Miehe, Sabine; Miehe, Georg; van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N.; Wrozyna, Claudia; van der Knaap, Willem O.; Duo, La; Haberzettl, Torsten.
(2014): Persistence of Artemisia steppe in the Tangra Yumco Basin, west-central Tibet, China: despite or in consequence of Holocene lake-level changes? Journal of Paleolimnology 51: 267–285. -
Wang, Gai-Ni; He, Xin-Yu; Miehe, Georg; Mao, Kang-Shan.
(2014): Phylogeography of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau endemic alpine herb Pomatosace filicula (Primulaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 9999: 1–14.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2013
Miehe, Georg; Miehe, Sabine; Bach, Kerstin; Wesche, Karsten; Seeber, Elke; Behrendes, Lena; Kaiser, Knut; Reudenbach, Christoph; Nölling, Jasmin; Hanspach, Jan; Herrmann, Mark; Yaoming, Ma; Mosbrugger, Volker.
(2013): Resilience or Vulnerability? Vegetation Patterns of a Central Tibetan Pastoral Ecotone. Steppe Ecosystems: Biological Diversity, Management and Restoration: 111-151. -
Miehe, Georg; Opgenoorth, Lars.
(2013): The End of the Forest on Top of the World. German Research 2/2013: 22–25. -
Li, Long; Abbott, Richard J.; Liu, Bingbing; Sun, Yongshuai; Li, Lili; Zou, Jiabin; Wang, Xi, Miehe, Georg; Liu, Jianquan.
(2013): Pliocene intraspecific divergence and Plio-Pleistocene range expansions within Picea likiangensis (Lijiang spruce), a dominant forest tree of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Molecular Ecology 22: 5237-5255.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2012
Liu, Jian-Quan; Liu, Bing-Bing; Opgenoorth, Lars; Miehe, Georg; Zhang, Dong-Yuan; WAN, Dong-Shi; ZHAO, Chang-Ming.
(2012): Molecular bases for parallel evolution of translucent bracts in an alpine ‘glasshouse’ plant Rheum alexandrae (Polygonaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 50: 1-8. -
Zou, jiabin; Peng, Xiao-Li; Li, Long; Liu, Jian-Quan; Miehe, Georg; Opgenoorth, Lars.
(2012): Molecular phylogeography and evolutionary history of Picea likiangensis in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau inferred from mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA sequence variation. Journal of Systematics and Evolution50: 341-350. -
Sylvia Hofmann , Peter Fritzsche ,Torstein Solhøy , Tsering Dorge , and Georg Miehe.
(2012): Evidence of sex-biased dispersal in Thermophis baileyi inferred from Microsatellite Markers. Herpetologica 68(4):514-522. -
Opgenoorth, Lars, Miehe, Georg.
(2012): Das Ende des Waldes auf dem Dach der Welt. Forschung. Das Magazin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 4/2012: 24-27. -
Unteregelsbacher, Sebastian., Hafner, Silke., Guggenberger, Georg., Miehe, Georg., Xingliang Xu, Jianquan Liu, Kuzyakov, Yakov.
(2012): Response of long-, medium- and short-term processes of the carbon budget to overgrazing-induced crusts in the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeochemistry 103:209–222
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2011
Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Bach, K., Kluge, J., Yang, Y., Duo, La; Co, Sonam, Wesche, K.
(2011): Alpine Steppe Plant Communities of the Tibetan highlands. – Applied Vegetation Science 14: 547-560. -
Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Bach, K., Nölling, J., Hanspach, J., Reudenbach, C., Kaiser, K., Wesche, K., Mosbrugger, V., Yang, Y., Ma, Y.
(2011): Plant communities of central Tibetan pastures in the Alpine Steppe / Kobresia pygmaea ecotone. – Journal of Arid Environments 75 (8): 711-723. -
Schmidt, J., Opgenoorth, L., Martens, J., Miehe, G.
(2011): Neodendemic ground beetles and private tree haplotypes: two independent proxies attest a moderate last glacial maximum summer temperature depression of 3-4°C for the southern Tibetan Plateau. – Quaternary Science Review 30: 1918-1925. -
Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Bach, K., Kluge, J., Wesche, K., Yang Yongping, Liu Jianquan.
(2011): Ecological stability during the LGM and the mid-Holocene in the Alpine Steppes of Tibet? – Quaternary Research 76:243-252. -
Hafner, S., Unteregelsbacher, S., Seeber, E., Becker, L, Xingliang, Xu, Xiaogang, Li, Guggenberger, G., Miehe, G., Yakov Kuzyakov.
(2011): Effect of grazing on carbon stocks and assimilate partitioning in a Tibetan montane pasture revealed by 13CO2 pulse labeling. – Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02557.x.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2010
- Andree, K. et al.
(2010): Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2010-31 May 2010. - Molecular Ecology Resources 10, 6: 1098-1105. (.pdf) - Opgenoorth, L., Vendramin, G.G., Kangshan Mao, Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Liepelt, S., Jianquan Liu, Ziegenhagen, B.
(2010): Tree endurance on the Tibetan Plateau marks the world’s highest known tree line of the Last Glacial Maximum. – New Phytologist 185: 332-342. (.pdf) - Wesche, K., Miehe, G., Kaiser, K.
(2010): Wald oder Weide? Zum Einfluss der nomadischen Viehhaltung auf die Grasländer Tibets. In: Herrmann, B. (Hrsg.): Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2009-2010: 89-108. Universitätsverlag Göttingen. - Wesche, K., Ronnenberg, K., Retzer, V., Miehe, G.
(2010): Effects of large herbivore exclusion on southern Mongolian desert steppes. - Acta Oecologica/International Journal of Ecology 36, 2:234-241. (.pdf) - Xu, T.T., Abbott, R.J., Milne, R.I., Mao, K., Du, F.K., Wu, G.L., Ciren, Z.X., Miehe, G.
(2010): Phylogeography and allopatric divergence of cypress species (Cupressus L.) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions. - BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 194: 1-10. (.pdf)
- Andree, K. et al.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2009
- Kaiser, K., Lai, Z.P., Schneider, B., Reudenbach, C., Miehe, G. & H. Brückner
(2009): Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental implications of Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian sediments in the Lhasa area, southern Tibet (China). - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271, 3-4: 329-342. (.pdf) - Kaiser, K., Lai, Z.P., Schneider, B., Schoch, W.H., Shen, X.H., Miehe, G. & H. Brückner
(2009): Sediment sequences and paleosols in the Kyichu Valley, southern Tibet (China), indicating Late Quaternary environmental changes. - Island Arc 18, 3: 404-427. (.pdf) - Kaiser, K., Opgenoorth, L., Schoch, W.H. & G. Miehe
(2009): Charcoal and fossil wood from palaeosols, sediments and artificial structures indicating Late Holocene woodlands decline in southern Tibet (China). - Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 15-16: 1539-1554. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S. & F. Schlütz
(2009): Early human impact in the forest ecotone of southern High Asia (Hindu Kush, Himalaya). - Quaternary Research 71: 255-265. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Kaiser, K., Reudenbach, C., Behrendes, L., La Duo & F. Schlütz
(2009): How old is pastoralism in Tibet? An ecological to the making of a Tibetan landscape. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 276, 1-4: 130-147. (.pdf) - von Wehrden, H., Wesche, K. & G. Miehe
(2009): Plant communities of the southern Mongolian Gobi. - In: Phytocoenologia 39, 3: 331-376.
- Kaiser, K., Lai, Z.P., Schneider, B., Reudenbach, C., Miehe, G. & H. Brückner
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2008
- Xia, T., Meng, L., Mao, K., Tian, B., Miehe, G. & Liu, J.Q.
(2008): Genetic variation in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau endemic and endangered conifer Cupressus gigantea, detected using RAPD and ISSR markers. - Silvae Genetica 57, 2: 85-92. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Kaiser, K., Sonam Co, Zhao X.Q. & Liu J.Q.
(2008): Geo-ecological transect Studies in Northeast Tibet (Qinghai, China) reveal human-made mid-Holocene environmental changes in the upper Yellow River catchment changing forest to grassland. - Erdkunde 62, 3: 187-199. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Kaiser, K., Liu J.Q. & Zhao X.Q.
(2008): Status and Dynamics of the Kobresia pygmaea Ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau. - Ambio 37: 272-279. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Kaiser, K., Wesche, K., Zhao X.Q. & Liu J.Q.
(2008): “Alpine meadows” of the Tibet Plateau are a synantropic pseudoclimax. International Rangeland Congress Hohot. - Kaiser, K., Miehe, G., Barthelmes, A., Ehrmann, O., Scharf, A., Schult, M., Schlütz, F., Adamczyk, S. & B. Frenzel
(2008): Turf-bearing topsoils on the Central Tibetan Plateau, China: Pedology, botany, geochronology. - Catena 73: 300-311. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Will, M, Opgenoorth, L., La Duo
(2008): An inventory of forest relicts in the pastures of Southern Tibet (Xizang A.R., China). - Plant Ecology 194: 157-177. (.pdf)
- Xia, T., Meng, L., Mao, K., Tian, B., Miehe, G. & Liu, J.Q.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2007
- Tsering Dorge, Hofmann, S., Migmar Wangdwei, Lapager Duoje, Solhøy, T., Miehe, G.
(2007): The ecological specialist, Thermophis baileyi (Wall, 1907) - new records, distribution and biogeographic conclusions. - Herpetological Bulletin 101: 8-12. - Kaiser, K., Schoch, W.H., Miehe, G.
(2007): Holocene palaeosols and colluvial sediments in Northeast Tibet (Qinghai Province, China): properties, dating and palaeoenvironmental implications. - Catena 69: 91-102. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Schlütz, F., Lehmkuhl, F.
(2007): Wie natürlich ist die Vegetation der Hochweiden Osttibets?. - Geographische Rundschau 59: 28-34. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Vogel, J., Sonam Co & La Duo
(2007): Highest Treeline in the Northern Hemisphere Found in Southern Tibet. - Montain Research and Development 27, 2: 169-173. (.pdf) - Nadrowski, K., Miehe, G.
(2007): Surviving a drought: Population dynamics of Ochotona pallasi pricei in a dry steppe, Gobi Altai, Mongolia. - Erforschung biologischer Ressourcen Mongolei 10: 459-469. - Meng, L., Yang, R.U.I., Abbot, R.J., Miehe, G., Hu, T. & Liu J.Q.
(2007): Mitochondrial and chloroplast phylogeography of Picea crassifolia Kom. (Pinaceae) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent highlands. - Molecular Ecology 16, 19: 4128-4137. (.pdf) - Eberhardt, E., Dickoré, B. & G. Miehe
(2007): Vegetation map of the Batura valley (Hunza Karakorum, North Pakistan). - Erdkunde 61: 93-112. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Opgenoorth, L., Cermak, J., Schlütz, F., Jäger, E.J., Wesche, K. & R. Samiya
(2007): Mountain forest islands and Holocene environmental changes in Central Asia: A case study from the southern Gobi Altay, Mongolia. - Palaeo 3 250: 150-166. (.pdf) - Schlütz, F., Miehe, G. & F. Lehmkuhl
(2007): Zur Geschichte des größten alpinen Ökosystems der Erde: Palynologische Untersuchungen zu den Kobresia-Matten SE-Tibets. - Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 19: 23-36. (.pdf) - Wang, Y.J., Liu, J.Q., Miehe, G.
(2007): Phylogenetic origins of the Himalayan endemic Dolomiaea, Diplazoptilon and Xanthopappus (Asteraceae : Cardueae) based on three DNA regions. - Annals of Botany 99, 2: 311-322. (.pdf)
- Tsering Dorge, Hofmann, S., Migmar Wangdwei, Lapager Duoje, Solhøy, T., Miehe, G.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2006
- Retzer, V., Nadrowski, K., Miehe, G.
(2006): Variation of precipitation and its effect on phytomass production and consumption by livestock and large wild herbivores along an altitudinal gradient during a drought, South Gobi, Mongolia. - J. of Arid Environments 66: 135-150. (.pdf) - Kaiser, K., Miehe, G., Schoch, W.H., Zander, A. & F. Schlütz
(2006): Relief, soil and lost forests: Late Holocene environmental changes in southern Tibet under human impact. - Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplement 142: 149-173. (.pdf) - v. Wehrden, H., Wesche, K., Miehe, G. & Chr. Reudenbach
(2006): Vegetation mapping in Central Asian dry ecosystems using Landsat ETM+. A case study on the Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park. - Erdkunde 60: 261-272. (.pdf) - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Schlütz, F., Kaiser, K. & Lhagba Dorge
(2006): Palaeoecological and experimental evidence of former forests and woodlands in the treeless desert pastures of Southern Tibet (Lhasa, A.R. Xizang, China). - Palaeo 3, 242: 54-67. (.pdf) - Eberhardt, E., Dickoré, B. & G. Miehe
(2006): Vegetation of the Hunza Valley: Diversity, altitudinal distribution and human impact. - In: Karakoram in Transition. Hrsg. v. H. Kreutzmann. Karachi, pp. 109-122.
- Retzer, V., Nadrowski, K., Miehe, G.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2005
- Opgenoorth, L., Cermak, J., Miehe, G. & W. Schoch
(2005): Isolated birch and willow forests in the Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park. – Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei 9: 247-258. - Wesche, K., Miehe, S. & G. Miehe
(2005): Plant communities of the Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park (South Gobi Aimag, Mongolia). – Candollea 60: 149-205. - Stumpp, M., Wesche, K., Retzer, V & G. Miehe
(2005): Impact of grazing livestock and distance from water source on soil fertility in Southern Mongolia. – Mountain Research and Development 25: 244-251. (.pdf) - Zhang, Q., Chiang, T.Y., Liu Jianquan, Schlütz, F., Miehe, G. & R.J. Abbot
(2005): Phylogeography of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau endemic Juniperus przewalskii (Cupressaceae) inferred from chloroplast DNA sequence variation. – Molecular Ecology 14: 3513-3524. (.pdf) - Sabine Miehe, Georg Miehe & Katja Koch
(2005): Towards the Green Belt in Southern Xizang - Initial Results of An Applied Research Project to Rehabilitate Degraded Rangelands. - In: Richard, C. & K. Hoffmann (Eds.) Strategic Innovations for Improving Pastoral Livelihoods in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Highlands. Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China, May 12-19 2002.
- Opgenoorth, L., Cermak, J., Miehe, G. & W. Schoch
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2004
- Cermak, J., Opgenoorth, L. & G. Miehe
(2004): Isolated mountain forests in Central Asian deserts. A case study from the Govi Altay, Mongolia. – In: Mountain ecosystems. Studies in treeline ecology. Hrsg. v. G. Broll & B. Keplin. Berlin, S. 253-273. (.pdf) - La Duo, Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Liu Jianquan, Kaiser, K., Schlütz, F. & W. Schoch
(2004): Juniper forests in Tibet. Abstract. – In: International Symposium Tibetan Plateau. Lhasa, S. 184-185. - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Kaiser, K. & Zhao Jianquan
(2004): The Kobresia pastures of Tibet: Evolutions, threats and sustainable development. Abstracts. – In: International Symposium Tibetan Plateau. Lhasa, S. 204-205. - Miehe, G. & C.A. Burga
(2004): Geographische Merkmale der Hochgebirge. – In: Gebirge der Erde. Hrsg. v. C.A. Burga et al. Stuttgart, S. 20-21. - Miehe, G., Burga, C.A. & F. Klötzli
(2004): Vegetationshöhenstufen der Gebirge im globalen Vergleich. – In: Gebirge der Erde. Hrsg. v. C.A. Burga et al. Stuttgart, S. 31-36. - Burga, C.A., Klötzli, F. & G. Miehe
(2004): Waldgrenze: Phänomen und globaler Vergleich. – In: Gebirge der Erde. Hrsg. v. C.A. Burga et al. Stuttgart, S. 37-44. - Miehe, G.
(2004): Himalaya. – In: Gebirge der Erde. Hrsg. v. C.A. Burga et al. Stuttgart, S. 325-348. - Miehe, G.
(2004): Tibet. – In: Gebirge der Erde. Hrsg. v. C.A. Burga et al. Stuttgart, S. 349-359. - Miehe, G.
(2004): Begleitworte zur "Vegetationskarte des Khumbu Himal" 1:50.000. – Hochgebirgsforschung 9: 133-172. - Miehe, S., Miehe, G. & K. Koch
(2004): Towards the green belt in Southern Xizang – Initial results of an applied research project to rehabilitate degraded rangelands. – In: Proceedings international workshop Lhasa. ICIMOD, Kathmandu. Hrsg. v. C. Richard & K. Hoffmann, S. 48-50, 61-64.
- Cermak, J., Opgenoorth, L. & G. Miehe
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2003
- Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Koch, K. & M. Will
(2003): Sacred forests in Tibet: Using Geographical Information Systems for forest rehabilitation. – Mountain Research and Development 23: 14-18. (.pdf) - Wündisch, U., Dickoré, B. & G. Miehe
(2003): Flora and Vegetation of the Oytagh Valleys: Phytogeography of an isolated coniferous mountain forest in arid Central Asia (Western Kunlun Shan, Xinjiang/China). – Candollea 58: 215-269. - Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Schlütz, F. & J. Schmidt
(2003): Sind Igelheiden die zonale natürliche Vegetation altweltlicher Hochgebirgshalbwüsten? Vegetationskundliche, zoogeographische und palynologische Befunde aus dem tibetischen Nepal – Himalaya. - In: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya. Hrsg. v. M. Hartmann & Henryk Baumbach. Erfurt, S. 7-22. - Miehe, G.
(2003): Ecosystems of High Asia under human impact. New perspectives. Abstract. – In: Intern. Symp. Environmental Change in Central Asia. Hrsg. v. S. Mischke et al., Berlin, S. 83-84.
- Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Koch, K. & M. Will
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2002
- Gurung, D.B., Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Phuntso Namgyel & R. Wolf
(2002): The Tsenden (Cupressus corneyana Carr.) as a natural constituent of Bhutanese broadleaved forests? – In: Gurung, D.B. & U. Dorji (eds.): Proceed. IUFRO International Seminar on Silviculture and Sustainable Management of Mixed Broadleaved Forest in the Himalayas, Nov. 15-26, 1999, Lobesa, Bhutan. (= BG-SRDP Project Document No. 69). - A. Farjon, Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(2002): The taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Juniperus in High Asia. - In: Proceed. Intern. Symposium: Problems of Juniper Forests: Looking for solutions, methods, techniques. Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek, S. 70-79. - Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe & Bernhard Dickoré
(2002): Alpine Deserts in High Asia. - In: Desert and Alpine Environments (Hövermann Festschrift). Hrsg. v. Yang Xiaoping. Beijing, S. 59-79. - Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe & Frank Schlütz
(2002): Vegetationskundliche und palynologische Befunde aus dem Muktinath-Tal (Tibetischer Himalaya, Nepal): Ein Beitrag zur Landschaftsgeschichte altweltlicher Hochgebirgshalbwüsten. - Erdkunde 56, S. 268-285. (.pdf) - R. Ochyra, Karsten Wesche, Sabine Miehe & Georg Miehe
(2002): New records of pleurocarpous mosses for Africa and Uganda. - Journal of Bryology 24: 256-258.
- Gurung, D.B., Miehe, G., Miehe, S., Phuntso Namgyel & R. Wolf
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2001
- Dickoré, B. & G. Miehe
(2001): Cold spots in the Highest Mountains of the World - Diversity Patterns and Gradients in the Flora of the Karakorum. – In: Mountain Biodiversity - A Global Assessment. Hrsg. v. C. Körner & E. Spehn. London, S. 129-147. - Miehe, G. & S. Miehe
(2001): Influence of humans and their livestock on the structure and biodiversity of montane forests and alpine pastures in Bhutan. Lobesa, Bhutan (= BG-SRDP Project Document no. 59). - Georg Miehe, M. Winiger, J. Böhner & Zhang Yili
(2001): The Climatic Diagram Map of High Asia. Purpose and Concepts. - Erdkunde 55, S. 94-97. (.pdf)
- Dickoré, B. & G. Miehe
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 2000
- Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(2000): Comparative High Mountain Research on the Treeline Ecotone under Human Impact. Carl Troll's "Asymmetrical Zonation of the Humid Vegetation Types of the World" of 1948 reconsidered. - Erdkunde 54, S. 34-50. - Sabine Miehe, Georg Miehe, Huang Jian, Otsu Tsewang, Tuntsu Tseren & Tu Yanli
(2000): Sacred Forests of South-Central Xizang and their Importance for the Restauration of Forest Resources (= Contributions to Ecology, Phytogeography and Environmental History of High Asia 2). - MGS 135, S. 228-249. - Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(2000): Environmental Changes in the Pastures of Xizang (= Contributions to Ecology, Phytogeography and Environmental History of High Asia 3). In: MGS 135, S. 282-311. - Karsten Wesche, Viola Clausnitzer, Sabine Miehe & Georg Miehe
(2000): Habitat Conditions in Afroalpine Communities - examples from Uganda and Ethiopia. - In: Symposium der A.F.W. Schimper-Stiftung, S. 335-346. - Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(2000): Comparative High Mountain Research on the Ecology of the Forest - Grassland Ecotone (Andes, East Africa, High Asia). - In: Zheng Du et al. (Eds.): Formation and Evolution, Environmental Changes and Sustainable Development on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceed Intern. Symposium Xining 1998. Beijing, S. 348-356. - Karsten Wesche, Georg Miehe & M. Kaeppeli
(2000): The Significance of Fire for Afroalpine Erciaceous Vegetation. - Mountain Research and Development 20, S. 340-347. (.pdf)
- Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 1999
- Sabine Miehe & Georg Miehe
(1999): Vegetation Patterns as Indicators of Climatic Humidity in the Western Karakorum. - In: I. Stellrecht (Ed.): Karakorum - Hindukush - Himalaya: Dynamics of Change. Köln, pp. 101-126. - Hans-Jürgen Beug & Georg Miehe
(1999): Vegetation History and Human Impact in the Eastern Central Himalayas (Langtang and Helambu/Nepal). 98 pp. (= Dissertationes Botanicae 318). - Sabine Miehe, Georg Miehe & Volker Meng
(1999): Relict indigenous Junipers as Gene Pools for the Rehabilitation of non-irrigated marginal Lands in Southern Xizang? - In: Proceed. WWF Congress "Tibet's Biodiversity: Conservation and Management." 7 pp, 1 fig. Im Druck.
- Sabine Miehe & Georg Miehe
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 1998
- Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe, Huang Jian, & Otsu Tsewang
(1998): Forschungsdefizite und - perspektiven zur Frage der potentiellen natürlichen Bewaldung Tibets. - Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 142: 153-162. - Hans-Jürgen Beug & Georg Miehe
(1998): Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in Hochasien I. Anthropogene Vegetationsveränderungen im Langtang-Tal, Nepal-Himalaya. - Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 142: 139-146. - Hans-Jürgen Klink & Georg Miehe
(1998): Heinz Ellenberg (1913-1997). - Die Erde 129: 72-76.
- Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe, Huang Jian, & Otsu Tsewang
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 1997
- Georg Miehe
(1997): Alpine Vegetation Types of the Central Himalaya. - In: F. E. Wielgolaski (Ed.): Ecosystems of the World 3: Polar and Alpine Tundra. Amsterdam, pp. 161-184.
- Georg Miehe
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 1996
- Georg Miehe
(1996): Höhenstufen und Landschaftsgürtel in vergleichender Sicht (überarbeitete Kurzfassung der Antrittsvorlesung). - In: Jahrbuch 1995. Marburger Geograph. Ges., pp. 257-262. - Georg Miehe
(1996): On the Connexion between Vegetation Dynamics and Climatic Changes in High Asia. - In: F. Gasse & E. Derbyshire (Eds.): Environmental Changes in the Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Areas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 120:5-24. (.pdf) - Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(1996): Die obere Waldgrenze in tropischen Gebirgen. - Geographische Rundschau 11: 670-676.
- Georg Miehe
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 1982-1995
- Georg Miehe
(1995): Vegetation Successions and Humidity Changes in the Himalayas and the Karakorum. - In: I.Stellrecht (Ed.): Problems of Comparative High Mountain Research with Regard to the Karakorum. Tübingen, pp. 60-80. - Georg Miehe
(1995): Wald und Weide in Hochasien. - In: Jahrbuch 1994. Marburger Geograph. Ges., pp. 16-18. - Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(1994): Zur oberen Waldgrenze in tropischen Gebirgen. - Phytocoenologia 24: 53 - 110. (=Festschrift Heinz Ellenberg). - Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(1994): East African Bryophytes, XII. Bryophytes from the Bale Mountains, SE Ethiopia . 1. Phyto-ecological introduction. - Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica 39: 1-55. - Sabine Miehe & Georg Miehe
(1994): Ericaceous Forests and Heathlands in the Bale Mountains of South Ethiopia. Ecology and Man's Impact. Hamburg, 206 pp. - Georg Miehe
(1994): Recent Climatic Changes in Subhumid to Arid Regions of High Asia (Karakorum, Kunlun, Himalaya, Tibet) as Indicated by Vegetation Features. - In: Zheng Du, Zhang Qingsong & PanYusheng (Eds.): Proceed. Intern. Sympos. Karakorum Kunlun Mountains. Beijing, pp. 333-346. - Georg Miehe
(1993): Vegetationskundliche Beiträge zur Klimageographie im Hochgebirge am Beispiel des Langtang Himal (Nepal). - In: U. Schweinfurth (Ed.): Neue Forschungen im Himalaya. Stuttgart, pp.155 - 190. (= Erdkundliches Wissen 112). - Georg Miehe & Sabine Miehe
(1993): On the physiognomic and floristic differentiation of the ericaceous belt of the Bale Mountains, SE- Ethiopia. - Opera Botanica 121: 85 - 122 (= Festschrift Olov Hedberg). - Georg Miehe
(1992): Flora und Vegetation als Klimazeiger und -zeugen im Himalaya und Karakorum - In: Jahrbuch 1991. Marburger Geograph. Ges., pp. 205 - 209. - Georg Miehe
(1992): Recent climatic changes in the Karakorum as indicated by vegetation features and geomorphological processes. - In: International Symposium on the Karakorum and Kunlun Mountains, Kashi, China, Abstracts, p. 110. - Georg Miehe
(1991): Die Vegetationskarte des Khumbu Himal (Mt. Everest-Südabdachung) 1:50 000. Gefügemuster der Vegetation und Probleme der Kartierung. - Erdkunde 45: 81-94. Mit 5-farbiger Vegetationskarte 76x96 cm. - Georg Miehe
(1991): Der Himalaya - eine multizonale Gebirgsregion. - In: Heinrich Walter & Siegmar- W.Breckle:Ökologie der Erde Bd.4: Spezielle Ökologie der Gemäßigten und Arktischen Zonen außerhalb Euro-Nordasiens. Stuttgart, pp. 181-230. - Georg Miehe
(1990): Klima und Klimaveränderung im Spiegel von Pflanzengesellschaften des Zentralen Himalaya (Helambu, Langtang, Xixabangma). - In: Verh. Deutsch. Geographentages Bd. 47. Stuttgart, pp. 301-306. - Georg Miehe
(1990): Langtang Himal - Flora und Vegetation als Klimazeiger und -zeugen im Himalaya. A Prodromus of the Vegetation Ecology of the Himalayas. Mit einer kommentierten Flechtenliste von Josef Poelt. XXVII + 529 pp. + App. Stuttgart. (= Dissertationes Botanicae 158). - Georg Miehe
(1990): Khumbu Himal (Mt. Everest-Südabdachung, Nepal). Vegetationskarte 1:50 000 und Kommentar. - In: Mitt. Bundesforschungsanstalt f. Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg 169: 1-137. - Georg Miehe
(1989): Vegetation patterns on Mt. Everest as influenced by monsoon and föhn. - In: Vegetatio 79: 21-32. - Georg Miehe
(1989): Gelideflation and climatic changes in Southern Tibet. - In: 2. Intern. Conference on Geomorphology, Frankfurt, Abstracts, p. 192. - Huang Rongfu & Georg Miehe
(1988): An annotated list of plants from Southern Tibet.- Willdenowia 18:81-112. - Georg Miehe
(1988): Geoecological reconnaissance in the alpine belt of Southern Tibet. - GeoJournal 17: 635-648. - Georg Miehe
(1988): Preliminary report on phyto-geographical fieldwork in the Langtang - Helambu area, Central Nepal, 1986. - In: Newsletter of Himalayan Botany 4: 1-5. - Georg Miehe
(1987): An annotated list of vascular plants collected in the valleys south of Mt. Everest. - In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Botany Series 16: 225-268. - Georg Miehe
(1987): Neue Befunde zur Vegetationshöhenstufung am Mt. Everest. Mit einem Vegetationsprofil. - In: Verh. Deutsch. Geographentages Bd. 45. Stuttgart, pp. 208-214. - Georg Miehe
(1986): The ecological law of ,Relative Habitat Constancy and Changing Biotope' as applied to multizonal high mountain areas. - In: Hou Hsiohyo & Makoto Numata (Eds.): Proceed. Intern. Symposium Mountain Vegetation. Beijing, pp. 56-59. - Georg Miehe
(1985): Höhenstufen der Vegetation und ihre bergbäuerliche Erschließung im Dhaulagiri- und Annapurna-Himalaya, dargestellt anhand einer Vegetationskarte 1:100 000. Vegetationskartierung als Vorerkundung für Entwicklungsprojekte. - In: Mitt. Bundesforschungsanstalt f. Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg 148: 1-40. - Georg Miehe
(1984): Ökonutz-Regionen in Gebirgen der Tropen und Subtropen. - In: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum. Beiträge zur internationalen Entwicklung 18: 12-16. - Georg Miehe
(1984): Waldnutzung im Himalaya. Beispiel Dhauladhar, Himachal Pradesh, Indien. - Praxis Geographie 10: 36-40. - Georg Miehe
(1984): Vegetationsgrenzen im extremen und multizonalen Hochgebirge (Zentraler Himalaya). - Erdkunde 38: 268-277. - Georg Miehe
(1982): Vegetationsgeographische Untersuchungen im Dhaulagiri und Annapurna- Himalaya.Bd.1: XI + 224 pp. Bd.2: IV + 152 pp., 75 Photos, Profile, Karten, mehrfarbige Vegetationskarte 1:100 000. Vaduz. (= Dissertationes Botanicae 66,1,2).
- Georg Miehe