Dr. Christoph Reudenbach

Abteilungsleiter, Akad. Oberrat


+49 6421 28-24296 +49 6421 28-28950 reudenbach@geo 1 Deutschhausstraße 10
35032 Marburg
F|12 Deutsches Haus (Raum: +2/0110)
Mittwoch 12-13 Uhr oder n.V. per email. In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach Vereinbarung


Philipps-Universität Marburg Geographie (Fb19) GI-Labor & UAV


Zu den Publikationen im Forschungsinformationssystem
  • Vita


    Christoph Reudenbach
    born 14 September 1964
    in Neunkirchen (Rhein-Sieg Kreis)

    Scientific Education

    2001 PhD thesis:  Summertime Convective Precipitation in Central Europe - A Combination of Satellite Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling for an Operational Retrieval of Mesoscale Precipitation patterns (in German)
     1997 Diploma thesis: A straightforward model for the spatial forecast of fog/low stratus clearance based on multi-sourcedata (in German)
    1997-2000 PhD-Student, member of the SFB350 "Wechselwirkungen kontinentaler Stoffsysteme und ihre Modellierung", subproject A1
    1992-1996 Student Assistant in the working group of Prof. Dr. M. Winiger
    1992-1996 Studies of Geography Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn
    minors: agriculture politics and social development, soil science, photogrammetry
    1991-1992 Studies of Geography Ruhr University Bochum
    1989-1990 Apprenticeship Industrial Sales Representative (IHK Bonn)
    1984-1986 Studies of Ancient History Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn
    1984 Antonius Kolleg in Neunkirchen leaving with graduation diploma (Abitur)

    Scientific Jobs

    since 10/2004 Head of GeoinformationScience Lab 
    05/2001 - 09/2004 Lecturer at the Department of Geography, University of Marburg (Prof. Dr. Jörg Bendix)
    10/2000 - 04/2001 Research Scientist at the Department of Geography, University of Marburg
    01/1997 - 09/2000 Research assistant at the SFB350 University of Bonn
    09/1992 - 12/1996 Student assistant (Prof. Dr. Matthias Winiger)
  • Publications

    Have a look at: OrcidGoogle Schoolar or Research Gate

  • Current Courses

    You will find the current course schedule at Marvin.

  • GeoinformationScience Lab 

    GeoinformationScience Lab Landing Page - For all informations about projects,  teaching concepts and materials and online-ressources  

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