Lirey Ramirez M. Sc.
+49 6421 28-24179 lirey.ramirez@geo 1 Deutschhausstraße 1035032 Marburg
F|12 Deutsches Haus (Raum: +2/0280)
Philipps-Universität Marburg Geographie (Fb19) Physische Geographie Biogeographie und Hochgebirgsforschung Ökologische PflanzengeographieResearch interest
My research is mainly focus in plant community ecology in tropical alpine environments particularly in vegetation structure in treeline ecotone and paramo ecosystem, positive and negative plant-plant interactions and ecophysiology responses of plant species to abiotic stress and biotic interactions.
My dissertation is focused on seedling dynamics in alpine and tropical treeline ecotones, including establishment patterns, microhabitat preferences, and physiological responses to abiotic stress.
Educational background
2010-2013. Master degree in Tropical Ecology. Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Ecológicas. Universidad de Los Andes. Venezuela. Master dissertation “Interactions between a dominant shrub (Hypericum laricifolium Juss) and other plant species in andean and high-andean paramo”. Funded by CDCHTA.
2002-2008: Bachelor in Biology. Biology Department, Sciences Faculty. Universidad de Los Andes. Venezuela. Undergraduate dissertation “Vegetation structure along the forest – páramo transition belt in the Sierra Nevada de Mérida” Funded by LEAF-IAI and CDCHTA
Carrasco, R., Rada, F., Ramirez, L.A. Hemiparasitism and host range of Castilleja fissifolia L.f. (Orobanchaceae) in the high tropical Andes. Plant Ecol (2023).
Cuesta, F.Carilla, J., LLambí, L.D., Muriel, P., Lencinas M.V., Meneses, R.I., Feeley, K.J., Pauli, H., Aguirre, N., Beck, S., Cuello, S., Duchicela, S., Gamez, L.E., Jaramillo, R., Halloy, S., Hudson, L., Eguiguren, P., Peri, P.L., Ramírez, L., Rosero-Añazco, P., Thompson N., Yager, K, Tovar, C. Compositional shifts of alpine plant communities across the high Andes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(9), 1591-1606.2022
Llambí, D.L., Gámez, L.E. Pelayo, R.C., Azocar, C.J., Torres, J.E., Márquez, N.J., Berdugo, M.B., Cuesta, F., Ramírez, L.A. Species, growth form, and biogeographic diversity of summit vegetation along an elevation gradient in the tropical Andes: a baseline for climate change monitoring. Journal of Mountain Science. 19(12), 3441-3457.
Ramírez, L.A., Llambi, L.D., Azocar, C.J., Fernandez, M., Torres, J.E., Bader, M.Y. Patterns in climate and seedling establishment at a dry tropical treeline. Plant Ecology. 223(9), 1047-1068.2021
Pelayo, R. C., Llambí, L. D., Gámez, L. E., Barrios, Y. C., Ramírez, L. A., Torres, J. E., & Cuesta, F. Plant Phenology Dynamics and Pollination Networks in Summits of the High Tropical Andes: A Baseline for Monitoring Climate Change Impacts. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 546.
Gámez, L. E., Llambí, L. D., Ramírez, L., Pelayo, R. C., Torres, J. E., Márquez, N., et al. Contribución al conocimiento de la vegetación altoandina: riqueza florística y clave para la identificación de plantas vasculares en cumbres de monitoreo de la red GLORIA-Andes en Venezuela. Pittieria 44, 76–103.
Llambí, L. D., Durbecq, A., Cáceres-Mago, K., Cáceres, A., Ramírez, L., Torres, E., & Méndez, Z. Interactions between nurse-plants and an exotic invader along a tropical alpine elevation gradient: growth-form matters. Alpine Botany, 1-15.2018
Mora, M., Llambi L.D., Ramirez, L. Giant stem rosettes have strong facilitation effects on alpine plant communities in the tropical andes. Plant Ecology And Diversity. DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2018.1507055
Hupp, N., Llambí, L.D., Ramírez, L. And Callaway, R. Alpine cushion plants have species–specific effects on microhabitat and community structure in the Tropical Andes. Journal Of Vegetation Science 216: 213-22.
Cuesta, F., Muriel, P., Llambí, L.D., Halloy, S., Aguirre, N., Beck, S., Carilla, J., Meneses, R. I., Cuello, S., Grau, A., Gámez, L.E., Irazábal, J., Jácome, J., Jaramillo, R., Ramírez, L., Samaniego, N., Suárez-Duque,D., Thompson,N., Tupayachi, A., Viñas,P., Yager, K., Becerra, M.T., Pauli H., And Gosling, W. Latitudinal and altitudinal patterns of plant community diversity on mountain summits across the Tropical Andes. Ecography. 40: 001-014
Ramírez, L., Rada, R Llambí. L. Linking patterns and processes through ecosystem engineering: effects of shrubs on microhabitat and water status of associated plants in the High Tropical Andes. Plant Ecology. 216: 213-225
Llambí, L., Ramírez, L. Schwarzkopf. T. Patrones de distribución de plantas leñosas en el ecotono bosque-páramo de la sierra nevada de mérida: ¿qué nos sugieren sobre la dinámica del límite de bosque? . In: Cuesta, F.; Sevink J.; Llambí L.D; De Bievre B; Mandonado. G. 2013. Investigación para la conservación en los páramos andinos. Proyecto Páramo Andino, CONDESAN-PNUMA-FMAM
Ramírez, L., Llambí, L., Schwarzkopf, T., Gámez, L., Márquez, N. Vegetation structure along the forest – páramo transition belt in the Sierra Nevada De Mérida: implications for understanding treeline dynamic. ECOTROPICOS. 22 (2):83-98
Research Gate
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