
Current position
Professor in Neuroanatomy, Focus Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience at University of Marburg
Group leader at Heidelberg University
Academic Education
2003-2006 PhD student, University of Milan, Italy
2002-2003 Post-graduate School of Pharmacology, University of Milan, Italy
1996-2002 Studies in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, University of Milan, Italy
Scientific Degrees
Jun 2007 PhD in Pharmacology & Neuroscience (highest grade)
Mentor: Prof. Monica Di Luca, University of Milan, Italy
Mar 2002 Laurea (diploma equivalent) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (highest grade)
University of Milan, Italy
Professional Experience
2022- W2 Professor in Neuroanatomy, focus Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
University of Marburg, Germany
2022- Independent group leade, Neurobiology, Heidelberg University, Germany
2015-2021 W1 Junior Professor for "Structural Neurobiology" Neurobiology, Heidelberg University, Germany
2016 Co-Founder of FundaMental Pharma GmbH
2009-2015 Akademische Rätin auf Zeit, Neurobiology, Heidelberg University, Germany
2007-2009 EMBO Postdoctotal fellow with Prof. Dr. Hilmar Bading, Neurobiology, Heidelberg University, Germany
Prizes and Awards
2022- Chica-Heinz Schaller Long term fellowship
2016 Max Von Frey Prize from the German Pain Society
2013 Karl-Freudenberg Prize
2007-2009 EMBO Long Term Postdoctoral Fellowship
2006 Best Oral Presentation Award. Pharmacology PhD student's meeting
2003-2006 PhD student fellowship (University of Milano, Italy)
2006-2012 6 travel grants (FENS, IBRO, SINS, GRC)
Entrepreneur (as cofounder of FundaMental Pharma GmbH)
2017- BioRiver Boost! Prize from BioRiver e.g
2016 Innovationspreis BioRegionen from Council of German Bioregions
Editorial boards
2022- Guest Editor, Cells
2020- Member of the Advisory board for Review Commons
2014 Guest Editor, Cell and Tissue Research
Reviewing activities
Journals: EMBO journal, Cell Reports, Science Signaling, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Pain,
Neuroscience, Cell & Tissue Research, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Molecular
Neurobiology, Review Commons, PLOS Biology, Neurotherapeutics
Organizations: MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research), NCN (Polish National
research centre)
Organization of scientific meetings
2021 Symposium at the NWG 2021 Göttingen
2016 40th Anniversary Neurobiology Symposium Organizational Committee
2014-2015 IZN Retreat Organizational Committee