
Clinical Decision Making Workshop * COGITA 2021

Online Conference


Start on Wednesday, April 21st 2021, 9.00 am to 5.30 pm

This will be an online conference. Participation is free of charge

Future Healthcare: Machines taking over?

There is no area of health care where digital innovation is not on the agenda. Patient held apps are expected to improve psychotherapy, monitor symptoms or encourage behaviour change. Virtual realities make skills labs for health professionals’ training look old-fashioned. Citizens and clinicians are curious to know what symptom checkers make of complaints and findings. A health watch is supposed to know more about an individual’s health than she herself. Electronic records and administrative data provide an unheard-of bird’s eye view on what is happening in all corners of the health care system.

Public debate is often stuck between glorification and demonization. As a result, subtleties get lost, such as how these developments change the way we perceive the world, set priorities and make decisions. Clinicians listen to what their patients say, but only part of the (hi)story is being recorded. Information that fits in a category, such as an ICD code, is privileged and travels across the system, the rest is easily forgotten.  What happens to clinician-patient relationships when digital devices are being used? How can digital support enrich clinical reasoning and improve continuity of care?

Questions addressed by conference are:

Empirical: where does the digitalization of health care lead to?

Analytical: what kind of processes are at work here? What are the underlying values and interests?

Normative: Which devices deserve our support, and which should be prevented from being disseminated? Do the changes we are witnessing improve the quality of care and, ultimately, the health of our patients?

The conference will be held online. We are asking for submissions concerning the topic of the conference. Contributions addressing other questions regarding clinical reasoning and decision making are also welcome. Researchers and clinicians from all disciplines and fields are welcome to take part and to submit their work.

We plan a session on games serving a clinical and/or educational purpose. Submissions presenting prototypes and - but not necessarily - formal evaluation studies, are particularly welcome.

Scientific Committee

CDM: Huub Pijnenburg, Norbert Donner-Banzhoff, York Hagmayer, Daniel Hausmann, Bea Tiemens, Leontien de Kwaadsteniet, Cilia Witteman; COGITA: Marie Barais

Local organizer: Norbert Donner-Banzhoff, Muazzez Ilhan; Department of General Practice/ Family Medicine, University of Marburg, Germany

*Conference Book and Scientific Programme*                              

Contact and coordination:

Muazzez Ilhan, Department of General Practice, University of Marburg

E-mail: cdm-cogita@uni-marburg.de

Homepage: www.cdm-workshop.eu