Curriculum Vitae – Prof. Dr. Stephan Becker

University Studies
- 1979 – 1984: Pharmaceutical Sciences, Philipps-Universität, Marburg
Academic Education
- 1985: M.Sc. Pharmaceutical sciences
- 1988: Ph.D. in Physiological Chemistry
- 2000: Habilitation, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Academic career
- since 12/2007 Director, Institut für Virologie, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 12/2005 – 11/2007: Head, P4 Programme Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin
- 12/2001 – 11/2005: Associate Professor, Philipps-Universität Marburg; Head High Security Laboratory
- 12/1995 – 11/2001: Assistant Professor, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 05/1991 – 11/1995: Postdoc, Institut für Virologie, Philipps-Universität Marburg
- 04/1989 – 12/1990: Euroimmun, Lübeck
Project coordination in collaborative research programs
- Coordinator Sonderforschungsbereich 1021 „RNA viruses: RNA metabolism, host response and pathogenesis”
- Coordinator TTU Emerging Infections, German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)
- Coordinator LOEWE Center DRUID
Memberships in scientific societies and committees
- Elected Member, Fachkollegium 204, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) 2012 - 2019
- Elected Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Virologie
- Member Permanent Senate Commission on Genetic Research, DFG
- Member Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Relevant Research, DFG/Leopoldina
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI), Berlin
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut (FLI), Riems (2011 – 2018)
- Member Scientific Advisory Board, Science Media Center Germany, Köln
- Center Director, Global Virus Network
- Delegate of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland at Global Health Security Action Group (2005 – 2008)
- Founding member of EuroNet-P4-Initiative (High security laboratories in the European Union)
- Member, European Network for Imported Viral Diseases (ENIVD)
- Member, Management of Biological Threats in the State of Hessen
Reviewing activities
- Editor: Medical Microbiology and Immunology
- Editorial board: J. Biol. Chemistry (2005 – 2011)
- Ad hoc Reviewer: Cell, Lancet, Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Microbiology, Molecular Cell, PLOS Pathogens, J. Virol., J. Gen. Virol., FEBS-Letters.
Awards and Honours
- 2010 Medal “100 years of Virology”, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
- 2015 Member, National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
Research Interests
Replication, morphogenesis and pathogenesis of zoonotic RNA viruses; development of emergency vaccines.
Total > 170; h-index 70 (Oct. 2020 Google Scholar); cum IF: 1664,58
5 selected publications 2015 – 2019
- Ehrhardt SA, Zehner M, Krahling V, Cohen-Dvashi H, Kreer C, Elad N, Gruell H, Ercanoglu MS, Schommers P, Gieselmann L, Eggeling R, Dahlke C, Wolf T, Pfeifer N, Addo MM, Diskin R, Becker S, Klein F. 2019. Polyclonal and convergent antibody response to Ebola virus vaccine rVSV-ZEBOV. Nat Med 25:1589-1600.
- Takamatsu Y, Kolesnikova L, Becker S. 2018. Ebola virus proteins NP, VP35, and VP24 are essential and sufficient to mediate nucleocapsid transport. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115:1075-1080.
- Kruse T, Biedenkopf N, Hertz EPT, Dietzel E, Stalmann G, Lopez-Mendez B, Davey NE, *Nilsson J, *Becker S. 2018. The Ebola Virus Nucleoprotein Recruits the Host PP2A-B56 Phosphatase to Activate Transcriptional Support Activity of VP30. Mol Cell 69:136-145.e136.
- Wan W, Kolesnikova L, Clarke M, Koehler A, Noda T, Becker S, Briggs JAG. 2017. Structure and assembly of the Ebola virus nucleocapsid. Nature 551:394-397.
- Agnandji ST, Huttner A, Zinser ME, Njuguna P, Dahlke C, Fernandes JF, Yerly S, Dayer JA, Kraehling V, Kasonta R, Adegnika AA, Altfeld M, Auderset F, Bache EB, Biedenkopf N, Borregaard S, Brosnahan JS, Burrow R, Combescure C, Desmeules J, Eickmann M, Fehling SK, Finckh A, Goncalves AR, Grobusch MP, Hooper J, Jambrecina A, Kabwende AL, Kaya G, Kimani D, Lell B, Lemaitre B, Lohse AW, Massinga-Loembe M, Matthey A, Mordmuller B, Nolting A, Ogwang C, Ramharter M, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Schmiedel S, Silvera P, Stahl FR, Staines HM, Strecker T, Stubbe HC, Tsofa B, Zaki S, Fast P, Moorthy V, Kaiser L, Krishna S, Becker S, Kieny MP, Bejon P, Kremsner PG, Addo MM, Siegrist CA. (2016). Phase 1 Trials of rVSV Ebola Vaccine in Africa and Europe. N Engl J Med 374:1647-1660.