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Zettl R, Müller T, Topp T, Lewan U,Krüger A, Kühne C, Ruchholtz S. Monoaxial versus polyaxial locking systems: a biomechanical analysis of different locking systems for the fixation of proximal humeral fractures. Int Orthop 2011; 35:1245-1250
Müller T, Topp T, Kühne CA, Gebhart G,Ruchholtz S, Zettl R. The benefit of wire cerclage stabilisation of the medial hinge in intramedullary nailing for the treatment of subtrochanteric femoral fractures: a biomechanical study. Int Orthop 2011; 35:1237-1243
Heyse TJ, Efe T, Rumpf S, Schofer MD, Fuchs-Winkelmann S, Schmitt J,Hauk C. Minimally invasive versus conventional unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2011 Feb 18. (Epub ahead of print)
Oberkircher L, Krüger A, Bliemel C,Kratz M,Flossdorf F, Ruchholtz S. Zementinterdigitation und Knochen-Zement Inferface unterschiedlicher Wirbelkörperaugmentationsverfahren. Eine Kadaverstudie. Osteoporose & Rheuma aktuell 1 / 2011; 12-14
Müller T, Topp T, Kühne C, Gebhart G, Ruchholtz S, Zettl R. Reply to the comments of Cebesoy et al.: Cerclage cable in fracture: frustration or necessity? (Letter to the Editor). International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 2011; 35(5):785
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El-Najjar N, Ketotal RA, Nissilä T, Mauriala T, Antopolsky M, Gali-Muhtasib H, Urtti A, Vuorela H. Impact of protein binding on Thymoquinone's analytical detectability and anticancer activity. Journal of Chemical Biology; online first 08 January 2011
Gebhard F, Raschke M,Ruchholtz S, Meffert R, Marzi I, Pohlemann T, Südkamp N, Josten C, Zwipp H. Universitäres Benchmarking für die Unfallchirurgie Deutschland: Forschung und Lehre. Unfallchirurg 2011; 114(7): 639-644
Kühne CA,Mand C, Lefering R, Lendemans S,Ruchholtz S. Urgency of neurosurgical interventions for severe traumatic brain injury. Unfallchirurg 2011; May 22 (Epub ahead of print)
Hussmann B, Taeger G, Lefering R, Waydhas C, Nast-Kolb D,Ruchholtz S, Lendemans S, TraumaRegister der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie. Letalität und Outcome beim Mehrfachverletzten nach schwerem Abdominal- und Beckentrauma. Einfluss der präklinischen Volumengabe - Eine Auswertung von 604 Patienten des TraumaRegisters der DGU. Unfallchirurg 2011; 114: 705-712
Hussmann B, Lefering R, Waydhas C,Ruchholtz S, Wafaisade A, Kauther MD, Lendemans S, Trgats TR. Prehospital intubation of the moderately injured patient: a cause of morbidity? A matched-pairs analysis of 1200 patients from the DGU Trauma Registry. Crit Care 2011 Sep 13; 15(5): R207
Struewer J, Frangen TM, Ishaque B,Bliemel C, Efe T,Ruchholtz S, Ziring E. Knee function and prevalence of osteoarthritis after isolated anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using bone-patellar tendon-bone graft: long-term follow-up. Int Orthop 2011 Sep 7 (Epub ahead of print)
Citak M, Backhaus M, Kälicke T, Hilal Z, Muhr G,Frangen TM. Myths and facts of spondylodiscitis: an analysis of 183 cases. Acta Orthop Belg 2011 Aug; 77(4): 535-8
Struewer J, Kiriazidis I, Figiel J, Dukatz T,Frangen T, Ziring E. Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa causing an epidural haematoma. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2011 Aug 19 (Epub ahead of print)
Backhaus M, Citak M, Kälicke T, Sobottke R, Russe O, Meindl R, Muhr G,Frangen TM. Wirbelsäulenfraktur bei ankylosierender Spondylitis: Eine Analyse von 129 Frakturen nach operativer Versorgung. Orthopäde 2011; 40:917-924
Lemburg SP,Frangen TM, Knoop H, Nicolas V, Heyer CM. Prognostic pulmonary and thoracic findings in patients with unstable injuries of the thoracic spine. Pneumologie 2011 Jul; 65(7): 412-8
Citak M, Backhaus M, Kälicke T, Ucher I, Aach M, Meindl R, Muhr G,Frangen TM. Treatment of heterotopic ossification after spinal cord injury - clinical outcome after single-dose radiation therapy. Z Orthop Unfallchir 2011 Jan; 149(1): 90-3
Mand C,Kühne CA, Arbeitskreis Umsetzung Weißbuch/Traumanetzwerk in der DGU-AKUT,Ruchholtz S.TraumaNetzwerkDDGU. Trauma Berufskrankh 2011; 13(Suppl 1):40-44
Topp T, Lefering R,Müller T, Ruchholtz S, Patzer T,Kühne CA; TraumaRegister der DGU. Suicide in old age: the underestimated risk: An analysis of 1,894 patients in the Trauma Registry of the German Trauma Society. Unfallchirurg 2011, Nov 16 (Epub ahead of print) German
Hußmann B, Lefering R, Taeger G, Waydhas C,Ruchholtz S; Sven Lendemans and the Trauma Registry. Influence of prehospital fluid resuscitation on patients with multiple injuries in hemorrhagic shock in patients from the DGU Trauma Registry. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2011, Oct; 4(4): 465-471
Debus F,Mand C, Kühne C,AKUT-Lenkungsgruppe, Siebert H,Ruchholtz S. Traumanetzwerk DGU - Bundesweit fast alle Kliniken für Schwerverletzte registriert. Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie Mitteilungen und Nachrichten; Dez. 2011; 176-180
Ruchholtz S(für die Autoren). Die S3-Leitlinie Polytrauma. Notfallmedizin up2date6 2011; Spezielle Notfallmedizin; 313-336
Ruchholtz S,Hauk C, Lewan U,Franz D,Kühne C,Zettl R.Minimally Invasive Polyaxial Locking Plate Fixation of Proximal Humeral Fractures: A Prospective Study. The Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care; Vol. 71(6): 1737-1744
Topp T,Müller T,Kiriazidis I, Lefering R,Ruchholtz S, Trauma Registry of the German Trauma Society,Kühne CA. Multiple blunt trauma after suicidal attempt: an analysis of 4,754 multiple severely injured patients. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. Published online: 12 May 2011
Lefering R,Ruchholtz S.Trauma registries in Europe. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. Published online: 16 December 2011
Ruchholtz S,Mand C, Lewan U,Debus F,Dankowski C, AKUT Steering Committee,Kühne C, Siebert H. Regionalisation of trauma care in Germany: the "TraumaNetwork DGU-Project". Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. Published online: 20 December 2011
Mand C. Kühne CA, AKUT,Ruchholtz S. Das TraumaNetzwerkDDGU Anfang 2011. DGU Mitteilungen und Nachrichten 2011; 63: 34-36
Walgenbach M,Mand C,Neugebauer EAM. Economic Aspects of Trauma Care; in Pape HC, Sanders R, Borrelli J (Eds.). The Poly-Traumatized Patient with Fractures. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. 1st Edition 2011
Lechler P, Klein SM, Prantl L, Englert C, Renkawitz T, Grifka J. Hypoxic downregulation of cellular proliferation and loss of phenotype stability in human osteoblasts is mediated by HIF-1?. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 2011; 49(1-4): 279-86
Lechler P, Walt L, Grifka J, Waltl V, Renkawitz T. Traumatology and sport injuries in professional and amateur show-jumping competitors. Sportverletz Sportschaden 2011; 25(4): 222-6
Springorum HR, Rath B, Baier C,Lechler P, Lüring C, Grifka J. Patellofemoral pain after total knee arthroplasty: clinical pathway and review of the literature. Orthopäde 2011; 40(10): 901-16
Anders S,Lechler P, Grifka J, Schaumburger J. Repair of local cartilage defects in the patellofemoral joint. Orthopäde 2011;40(10): 885-895
Wörner M, Weber M,Lechler P, Sendtner E, Grifka J, Renkawitz T. Minimally invasive surgery in total hip arthroplasty: Surgical technique of the future? Orthopäde 2011; 40(12): 1068-74
Renkawitz T, Wörner M, Sendtner E, Weber M,Lechler P, Grifka J. Principles and new concepts in computer-navigated total hip arthroplasty. Orthopäde 2011; 40(12): 1095-102
Renkawitz T, Haimerl M, Dohmen L, Gneiting S, Wegner M, Ehret N, Buchele C, Schubert M,Lechler P, Woerner M, Sendtner E, Schuster T, Ulm K, Springorum R, Grifka J. Minimally invasive computer-navigated total hip arthroplasty, following the concept of femur first and combined anteversion: design of a blinded randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2011; 12: 192
Lechler P, Balakrishnan S, Schaumburger J, Grässel S, Baier C, Grifka J, Straub RH, Renkawitz T. The oncofetal gene survivin is re-expressed in osteoarthritis and is required for chondrocyte proliferation in vitro. BMC Musculoskel Disord 2011; 12: 150
Köck FX, Beckmann J,Lechler P, Götz J, Schaumburger J, Grifka J. The 2-year follow-up results of a patient-specific interpositional knee-implant. Orthopäde 2011; 40(12): 1103-10
Lechler P, Schaumburger J, Köck FX, Balakrishnan S, Doukas S, Prantl L, Grifka J. The oncofetal gene survivin promotes cell proliferation and survival in primary human osteoblastic cells. Calcif Tissue Int 2011; 89(3): 211-20
Lechler P, Grifka J, Köck FX. Ankle arthroplasty: indications and current state. Orthopäde 2011; 40(6): 561-70
Schaumburger J,Lechler P, Grifka J, Fleck M. Histological pathological investigations and arthroplasty: do they make sense? Z Rheumatol 2011; 70(4): 281-3
Lechler P, Renkawitz T, Campean V, Balakrishnan S, Tingart M, Grifka J, Schaumburger J. The antiapoptotic gene survivin is highly expressed in human chondrosarcoma and promotes drug resistance in chondrosarcoma cells in vitro. BMC Cancer 2011; 11: 120