Publikationen 2013
- Wirries A, Schubert AK, Zimmermann R, Jabari S, Ruchholtz S, El-Najjar N. Thymoquinone accelerates osteoblast differentiation and activates bone morphogenetic protein-2 and ERK pathway. Int Immunopharmacol 2013; 15: 381-386
- Ruchholtz S, El-Zayat B, Kreslo D, Buecking B, Lewan U, Krueger A, Zettl R. Less invasive polyaxial locking plate fixation in periprosthetic and peri-implant fractures of the Femur. A prospective study of 41 patients. Injury 2013; 44(2): 239-48
- Eschbach DA, Oberkircher L, Bliemel C, Mohr J, Ruchholtz S, Buecking B. Increased age is not associated with higher incidence of complications, longer stay in acute care hospital and in hospital mortality in geriatric hip fracture patients. Maturitas 2013; 74(2): 185-9
- Struewer J, Croenlein M, Ziring E, Schwarting T, Kratz M, Ruchholtz S, Frangen TM. Effect of bone morphogenetic protein-2 on tendon-bone integration in an in vitro cell culture. Orthopedics 2013; 36(2): e200-e206
- Struewer J, Ziring E, Ishaque B, Efe T, Schwarting T, Buecking B, Schuettler KF, Ruchholtz S, Frangen TM. Second-look arthroscopic findings and clinical results after polyethylene terephthalate augmented anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Int Orthop 2013; 37(2): 327-335
- Boese CK, Nerlich M, Klein SM, Wirries A, Ruchholtz S, Lechler P. Early magnetic resonance imaging in spinal cord injury without radiological abnormality in adults: A retrospective study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74(3): 845-848
- Struewer J, Ziring E, Oberkircher L, Schuettler KF, Efe T. Isolated anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in patients aged fifty years: comparison of hamstring graft versus bone-patellar tendon-bone graft. Int Orthop 2013; 37(5): 809-817
- Mohr J, Ruchholtz S, Hildebrand F, Flohé S, Frink M, Witte I, Weuster M, Fröhlich M, van Griensven M, Keibl C, Mommsen P. Induced hypothermia does not impair coagulation system in a swine multiple trauma model. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74(4): 1014-1020
- Lauscher P, Kertscho H, Schmidt O, Zimmermann R, Rosenberger P, Zacharowski K, Meier J. Determination of Organ-Specific Anemia Tolerance. Critcial Care Medicine 2013; 41(4): 1037-1045
- Mand C, Müller T, Lefering R, Ruchholtz S, Kühne CA. Vergleich der Schwerverletztenversorgung in den neuen und alten deutschen Bundesländern. Dtsch Ärztebl Int 2013; 110(12): 203-10
- Oberkircher L, Bliemel C, Floßdorf F, Schwarting T, Ruchholtz S, Krueger A. Biomechanical evaluation of 2 insertion points for ventral screw fixation of C-2 dens fractures. J Neurosurg: Spine 2013; 18(6): 553-557
- Bücking B, Timmesfeld N, Riem S, Bliemel C, Hartwig E, Friess T, Liener U, Ruchholtz S, Eschbach D. Frühe geriatrische Mitbehandlung in der Alterstraumatologie. Eine systematische Literaturübersicht und Metaanalyse. Dtsch Ärztebl Int 2013; 110(15): 255-262
- Bliemel C, Oberkircher L, Eschbach DA, Struewer J, Ruchholtz S, Buecking B. Surgical treatment of proximal femoral fractures - a training intervention? Z Orthop Unfall 2013; 151(2): 180-8
- Ruchholtz S, Buecking B, Delschen A, Lewan U, Taeger G, Kuehne C, Zettl R. The two-incision, minimally invasive approach in the treatment of acetabular fractures. J Orthop Trauma 2013; 27(5): 248-55
- Hussmann B, Lefering R, Waydhas C, Touma A, Kauther MD, Ruchholtz S, Lendemans S; Trauma Registry of the German Society for Trauma Surgery. Does increased prehospital replacement volume lead to a poor clinical course and an increased mortality. A matched-pair analysis of 1896 patients of the Trauma Registry of the German Society for Trauma Surgery who were managed by an emergency doctor at the accident site. Injury 2013; 44(5): 611-7
- Topp T, Lefering R, Mueller T, Ruchholtz S, Patzer T, Kuehne CA; TraumaRegister der DGU. Suicide in old age: the underestimated risk: An analysis of 1,894 patients in the Trauma Registry of the German Trauma Society. Unfallchirurg 2013; 116(4): 332-7
- Andruszkow H, Dowrick AS, Frink M, Zeckey C, Krettek C, Hildebrand F, Edwards ER, Mommsen P. Surgical strategies in polytraumatized patients with femoral shaft fractures - Comparing a German and Australian level I trauma centre. Injury 2013; 44(8): 1068-72
- Buecking B, Struewer J, Walderman A, Horstmann K, Schubert N, Balzer-Geldsetzer M, Dodel R, Bohl K, Ruchholtz S, Bliemel C. What determines health-related quality of life in hip fracture patients at the end of acute care? - a prospective observational study. Osteoporos Int; published online 20 June
- Buecking B, Eschbach D, Koutras C, Kratz T, Balzer-Geldsetzer M, Dodel R, Ruchholtz S. Re-admission to Level 2 unit after hip-fracture surgery - Risk factors, reasons and outcome. Injury 2013; 44(12): 1919-1925
- Krueger A, Baroud G, Noriega D, Figiel J, Dorschel C, Ruchholtz S, Oberkircher L. Height restoration and maintenance after treating unstable osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures by cement augmentation is dependent on the cement volume used. Clin Biomech 2013; 28(7): 725-730
- Bliemel C, Buecking B, Struewer J, Piechowiak EI, Ruchholtz S, Krueger A. Detection of pulmonary cement embolism after balloon kyphoplasty: should conventional radiographs become routine? Acta Orthop Belg 2013; 79: 444-450
- Dienstknecht T, Rixen D, Giannoudis P, Pape HC; EPOFF Study Group (u.a. Ruchholtz S). Do parameters used to clear noncritically injured polytrauma patients for extremity surgery predict complications? Clin Orthop Relat Res 2013; 471: 2878-84
- Oberkircher L, Struewer J, Bliemel C, Buecking B, Eschbach DA, Ruchholtz S, Krueger A. Height Restoration and Preservation in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Biomechanical Analysis of Standard Balloon Kyphoplasty Versus Radiofrequency-Kyphoplasty in a Cadaveric Model. J Spinal Disord Tech 2013; Sep 27 (Epub ahead of print)
- Krueger A, Oberkircher L, Figiel J, Floßdorf F, Bolzinger F, Noriega DC, Ruchholtz S. Height restoration of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures using different intravertebral reduction devices: a cadaveric study. The Spine Journal; available online 5 November 2013
- Buecking B, Eschbach D, Bliemel C, Oberkircher L, Struewer J, Ruchholtz S, Sachs UJ. Effectiveness of vitamin K in anticoagulation reversal for hip fracture surgery - A prospective observational study. Thromb Res; available online 25 October 2013
- Mersmann J, Iskandar F, Latsch K, Habeck K, Sprunck V, Zimmermann R, Schumann RR, Zacharowski K, Koch A. Attenuation of Myocardial Injury by HMGB1 Blockade during Ischemia/Reperfusion Is Toll-Like Receptor 2-Dependent. Mediators of Inflammation 2013; Article ID 174168, 8 pages
- Debus F, Mierswa D, Ruchholtz S, Lopez CL, Schwarting T, Kühne CA. Rehabilitation of Severely Injured Patients in Acute Care Hospitals: Who is Doing What? Rehabilitation 2013; Nov 11 (Epub ahead of print)
- El-Zayat BF, Ruchholtz S, Efe T, Paletta J, Kreslo D, Zettl R. Results of titanium locking plate and stainless steel cerclage wire combination in femoral fractures. Indian J Orthop 2013; 47(5): 454-8
- Debus F, Lefering R, Frink M, Kühne C, Mand C, Ruchholtz S. Polytrauma in children and adolescents: Choice of the primary care clinic and importance of pediatric traumatology competence centers. Unfallchirurg 2013; Oct 10 (Epub ahead of print)
- Krüger A, Florido C, Braunisch A, Walther E, Yilmaz TH, Doll D. Penetrating arterial trauma to the limbs: outcome of a modified protocol. World J Emerg Surg 2013; 8:51 (4 December 2013)
- Noriega DC, Krüger A, Brotat M, Ardura F, Hernandez R, Muñoz MF, Barrios C. Long-term outcome of the Cloward procedure for single-level cervical degenerative spondylosis. Clinical and radiological assessment after a 22-year mean follow-up. Acta Neurochir 2013; 155(12): 2339-2344
- Buecking B, Mohr J, Bockmann B, Zettl R, Ruchholtz S. Deltoid-split or Deltopectoral Approaches for the Treatment of Displaced Proximal Humeral Fractures? Clin Orthop Relat Res 2013; Dec 11 (Epub ahead of print)
- Krüger A, Oberkircher L, Frangen T, Ruchholtz S, Kühne C, Junge A. Fractures of the occipital condyle clinical spectrum and course in eight patients. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 2013; 4(2): 49-55
- Mommsen P, Andruszkow H, Frömke C, Zeckey C, Wagner U, van Griensven M, Frink M, Krettek C, Hildebrand F. Effects of accidental hypothermia on posttraumatic complications and outcome in multiple trauma patients. Injury 2013; 44(1): 86-90
- Andruszkow H, Urner J, Deniz E, Probst C, Grün O, Lohse R, Frink M, Hildebrand F, Zeckey C. Subjective impact of traumatic brain injury on long-term outcome at a minimum of 10 years after trauma - first results of a survey on 368 patients from an single academic trauma center in Germany. Patient Saf Surg 2013; 7(1): 32
- Andruszkow H, Veh J, Mommsen P, Zeckey C, Hildebrand F, Frink M. Impact of the body mass on complications and outcome in multiple trauma patients: what does the weight weigh? Mediators Inflamm 2013; Article ID 345702; Epub 2013 August 19
- Andruszkow H, Scharff B, Zapf A, Klein M, Lechler P, Hildebrand F, Frink M. Influence of comorbidities and delay in surgical treatment on mortality following femoral neck fracture. Z Orthop Unfall 2013; 151(4): 338-42
- Andruszkow H, Lefering R, Frink M, Mommsen P, Zeckey C, Rahe K, Krettek C, Hildebrand F. Survival benefit of helicopter emergency medical services compared to ground emergency medical services in traumatized patients. Crit Care 2013; 17(3): R124
- Debus F, Lefering R, Kühne CA, Ruchholtz S. Pattern of injuries and prehospital treatment of multiple injured children. OUP 2013; 12: 565-571
- Renkawitz T, Schuster T, Benditz A, Craiovan B, Grifka J, Lechler P. What medical students want - evaluation of medical recruitment ads by future physicians. Gesundheitswesen 2013; 75(10): e149-55
- Jobst-Schwan T, Knaup KX, Nielsen R, Hackenbeck T, Buettner-Herold M, Lechler P, Kroening S, Goppelt-Struebe M, Schloetzer-Schrehardt U, Fürnrohr BG, Voll RE, Amann K, Eckhardt KU, Christensen EI, Wiesener MS. Renal uptake of the antiapoptotic protein survivin is mediated by megalin at the apical membrane of the proximal tubule. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2013; 305(5): F734-44
- Bücking B, Bliemel C, Waschnick L, Balzer-Geldsetzer M, Dodel R, Slonka J, Ruchholtz S, Strüwer J. Gerinnungshemmende Medikation bei proximaler Femurfraktur. Prospektive Validierungsstudie einer neuen institutionellen Leitlinie. Unfallchirurg 2013; 116(10): 909-915
- Struewer J, Ziring E, Frangen TM, Efe T, Meissner S, Buecking B, Bliemel C, Ishaque B. Clinical outcome and prevalence of osteoarthritis after isolated anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using hamstring graft: follow-up after two and ten years. Int Orthop 2013; 37(2): 271-277
- Schüttler KF, Strüwer J, Rössler PP, Gesslein M, Rominger MB, Ziring E, Efe T. Patellofemoral osteoarthritis after Insall's proximal realignment for recurrent patellar dislocation. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthroscop 2013 Apr 2 (Epub ahead of print)
- Jabari S, da Silveira AB, de Oliveira EC, Quint K, Wirries A, Neuhuber W, Brehmer A. Interstitial cells of Cajal: crucial for the development of megacolon in human Chagas' disease? Colorectal Dis 2013; 15(10): e592-598
- Krüger A, Hierholzer J, Bergmann M, Oberkircher L, Ruchholtz S. Current status of vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty in Germany: An analysis of surgical disciplines. Unfallchirurg 2013; 116(9): 813-824
Übersichtsarbeiten / sonstige Artikel
- Ruchholtz S, Mand C, Lewan U, Debus F, Dankowski C, Siebert H, Kühne C. The TraumaNetwork DGU® Project of the German Society for Trauma Surgery - status 2012. Eur Orthop Traumatol 2013; 4: 117-123
- Frink M, Kühne C, Debus F, Pries A, Ruchholtz S. The TraumaNetzwerk DGU® project: Goals, conception and successes achieved. Unfallchirurg 2013; 116(1): 61-73
- Ruchholtz S, Taeger G, Zettl R. A novel two-incision minimally invasive method for the treatment of anterior acetabular fractures. Unfallchirurg 2013; 116(3): 277-82
- Krüger A, Frink M, Kiessling A, Ruchholtz S, Kühne CA. Emergency room management: In the era of the White paper, S3 guidelines, Advanced Trauma Life Support® and TraumaNetwork DGU® of the German Society of Trauma Surgery. Chirurg 2013; 84(5): 437-450
- Bücking B, Bliemel C, Ruchholtz S. Periprothetische Femurfrakturen - Inzidenz, Risikofaktoren, Klassifikation und Therapiestrategien. Deutscher Ärzteverlag; OUP 2013; 2(5): 259-267
- Ruchholtz S, Tomás J, Gebhard F, Schultz Larsen M. Periprosthetic fractures around the knee - the best way of treatment. Eur Orthop Traumatol 2013; 4: 93-102
- Hasenecker JM, Ruchholtz S, Eming R, Frangen TM. Grade IIb alkali burns of the lower extremities - Working with concrete. Unfallchirurg; online 13 June 2013
- Topp T, Krüger A, Zettl R, Figiel J, Ruchholtz S, Frangen TM. Atlas fracture due to aneurysmal bone cyst after minor trauma. Unfallchirurg; online 27 July 2013
- Ruchholtz S, Lefering R, Debus F, Mand C, Kühne C, Siebert H. TraumaNetwork DGU® und TraumaRegister DGU®: Success by cooperation and documentation. Chirurg 2013; 84(9): 730-738
- Zettl R, Ruchholtz S. Interne Beckenbodenplastik. Operationsatlas Gynäkologische Onkologie; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013; 296-300
- Zettl R, Ruchholtz S. Defektdeckung im Perineum und in der anogenitalen Region. Operationsatlas Gynäkologische Onkologie; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013; 301-308
- Zettl R, Ruchholtz S. Freier myocutaner M.-latissimus-dorsi-Lappen. Operationsatlas Gynäkologische Onkologie; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013; 309-312
- Zettl R, Ruchholtz S. Freier fasziokutaner A.-radialis-Lappen. Operationsatlas Gynäkologische Onkologie; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013; 313-315
- Zettl R, Ruchholtz S. Rekonstruktive Maßnahmen an der Vagina. Operationsatlas Gynäkologische Onkologie; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013; 317-321
- Zettl R, Ruchholtz S. Rekonstruktive Maßnahmen bei Sakrektomien. Operationsatlas Gynäkologische Onkologie; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013; 323-327
- Ernstberger A, Nerlich M, Ruchholtz S. Das TraumaNetzwerk der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie. Notfallmedizin up2date 2013; 8(3): 217-228
- Struewer J, Frangen TM, Ziring E, Hinterseher U, Kiriazidis I. Massive hematothorax after thoracic spine manipulation for acute thoracolumbar pain. Orthopedic Reviews 2013; 5(3):e27
- Ruchholtz S, Heuser P, Bücking B. Symposium "Herausforderungen in der Alterstraumatologie". Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie - Mitteilungen und Nachrichten; Dezember 2013; 781-78
- Lechleuthner A, Ruchholtz S. Das Notfallsanitätergesetz - Auswirkungen für die rettungsdienstliche Praxis. Notfallmedizin up2date 8; Dez. 2013; 242-242
- Ruchholtz S. TraumaNetzwerk DGU®. Flächendeckende Verbesserung der Schwerverletztenversorgung in Deutschland (1. Preis). MSD-Gesundheitspreis 2013 - 3. MSD-Forum GesundheitsPartner
- Boese CK, Lechler P. Spinal cord injury without radiologic abnormalities in adults: a systematic review. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 75(2): 320-30
- Strüwer J, Frangen TM, Ziring E, Hinterseher U, Kiriazidis I. Massive hematothorax after thoracic spinal manipulation for acute thoracolumbar pain. Orthop Rev (Pavia) 2013; 5(3): e27