Courses for Incoming Erasmus Students (Human Medicine)
We offer four different sets of courses from which you are welcome to choose one for each semester you have been nominated for by your home institution.
For your Learning Agreemet it is important to know that
- This list reflects the current planning status. Changes in terms of whether a course takes place in person and presence is required or whether it takes place online are still possible. Therefore we can not guarantee that all courses listed below take place the way they are planned.
- For all examinations presence is required.
- it is not possible to mix courses of different sets.
- you do not have to choose every course of one set.
- all courses of a specific subject (e.g. Dermatology, Venerology) have to be chosen, since they are related in content and usually end with a joined exam.
- you do not have to add a component code.
- the Learning Agreement does not have to be sent in by post. Please send it as a pdf file to horstl@staff.uni-marburg.de until 1st of March 2025.
- classes of Surgery contain General Surgery, Orthopedics, Traumatology, Cardio Surgery and Urology. It is not possible to extract only one of these subjects.
- classes of Internal Medicine contain Cardiology, Hematology, Nephrology, Gastroenterology and Pneumology. It is not possible to extract only one of these subjects.
- the exam for Internal Medicine (BT) of option A (Kohorte Gyn/Paed) will take place at the beginning of the next semester. Therfore this course is only suited for students, who are nominated for two semesters.
- Optional Courses (Wahlfächer): In addition to the courses listed above, it is possible to include 2 “Wahlfächer” into your Learning Agreement for each semester you are nominated. You will find these courses, by logging on to our course catalogue, choose “Studienangebot” and “Veranstaltung suchen” and type “WF KL”. To register to one of those optional courses, you have to get in contact with the person/professor who is offering it and ask whether the course takes place and places are still available. You’ll find further information on the courses as well as contact details in the course catalogue. Important: We can not guarantee that all optional courses, listed in our course catalogue will take place or that placed are available, especially during the ongoing pandemic. Only the responsible person/professor for the respective optional course can give you information on that
If you have further questions, please contact Leonie Horst or Diana Gleixner.