Sepideh Abedi Farizani

Sepideh Abedi Farizani



+49 6421 28-24869 +49 6421 28-22296 Bunsenstraße 3
35032 Marburg
F|15 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 320 bzw. +3/0200)

Dr. Sepideh Abedi Farizani

International PhD candidate

Tuesday 10 to 11 - only by appointment

  • Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte

    - Discourse Analysis
    - Gender Studies
    - Migration studies

  • Promotionsprojekt

    From Risk Discourse to Resource Strategies: Shortcomings, Alternatives and Potentials for the Professionalization and Integration of Women Refugees into the German Labor Market and Society
    Refugees’ integration and social solidarity recently has become an important issue in Germany and the whole European Union. The dissertation develops the topic based on four axes: 1.) the analysis of the Policy-Discourse, 2.) the academic resource based perspectives, and 3.) professional and practitioner approaches on self help, peer-learning, Train-the Trainer-approaches, which can be made use of in the 4.) piloting and testing an alternative approach of empowerment professionalization for the integration of female refugees.

  • Publikationen

    Abedi Farizani S., Ali Abadi Kh., Nili A. M.; "The Impact of Pedagogical Agents’ Gender: On Learning, Motivation toward Science Learning and Facilitation of Learning in Fourth Grade Male Students"; JMEAST, Issue 14(3), Vol .6, 2014 (in English).

    Abedi Farizani S., Ali Abadi Kh., Nili A. M.; "The Impact of Pedagogical Agents’ Gender: On Learning, Motivation toward Science Learning and Facilitation of Learning in Fourth Grade Students"; The First National Conference on Sustainable Development in Educational Science and Psychology, Culture and Social Studies, Iran, November 2014(in Persian). The event was organized by Mehr Arvand Intl. Group and was supported by the Professional Commitment Management System Intl., ZhikCert Academy, Australia (PCMS).

    Abedi Farizani S., Ali Abadi Kh.; "The Impact of Pedagogical Agents’ Gender: On Learning, Motivation toward Science Learning and Facilitation of Learning in Fourth Grade Female"; International Conference on research in behavioral science, Iran, October 2014 (in Persian).

    Abedi Farizani S., Ali Abadi Kh.; "What are Pedagogical Agents?"; Third Virtual Conference of Training Providers with Focus on Development & Improvement through Training, Iran, May 2014 (in Persian).

    Abedi Farizani S., Ali Abadi Kh.; " The Impact of Pedagogical Agents’ Gender: On Learning of Fourth Grade Female Students"; National Human Science Research Conference, Iran, June 2014 (in Persian).

    Abedi Farizani S., Ali Abadi Kh.; " The Importance of Pedagogical Agents On Learning"; International Conference of IT and Digital Medias, Iran, 2013 (in Persian).

  • Vorträge

    Abedi Farizani S., "More than a Risk, More than a Burden? Analyzing the Suprastatal Refugee Integration Discourse"; Accepted for presentation in ECER, Bolzano, Italy, September 2018 (in English).

  • Lehrveranstaltungen

    WiSe 2017/18
    Seminar “Integration of Refugees” (BA11b)

    WiSe 2017/18
    Tutorial International Undergraduate Study Program

  • Beruflicher Werdegang

    2017 - 2017
    Student Assistant in Deutsche Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (six months).

    2014 – 2016
    Educational Counsellor in Koushesh High school (one of the high rank high schools in Tehran, Iran).

    2013 – 2014
    Educational Counsellor in Mahdavi High school (one of the high rank high schools in Tehran, Iran).

    2012 - 2014
    Educational Counsellor in Soroush Novin High school.

    2009 - 2011
    Educational Counsellor in Kanoon Farhangi Amoozesh institute.

  • Ausbildung

    2017 - Now
    Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, PhD candidate in Education department.

    2012 - 2014
    Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran, M.Sc. of Education.

    2009 - 2012
    Allameh Tabatabai University, Iran, B.Sc. of Education.

  • Preise/Auszeichnungen

    Conference Bursary to attend the ERC and ECER in Bolzano, 2018.

    DAAD-Preis für hervorragende Leistungen ausländischer Studierender an den deutschen Hochschulen.

  • Aktuelle Funktionen und Mitgliedschaften

    Member of Marburg University Research Academy (MARA)

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