13.09.2023 Research Data Management in Psychology
Workshop about project management, efficient research, scientific collaboration and openness.

Research is increasingly computational, data-driven, and collaborative.
The increasing size of digital research data that are generated or collected in almost every research project requires us to be more responsible, proactive data managers.
We are faced with the challenge of not only managing and documenting these data, but also preserving them and making them available for reuse.
While data management can sound like a lot of work for little payoff, managing our research data well actually provides a lot of personal and practical benefits. Well managed and well described data is easier to sort through, access, and understand, making our research project more efficient. Data Management protects against data loss and - increasingly important - publication retractions, possibly sparing you a frustrating experience.
This workshop will focus on best practices for managing digital research data.
If you already have specific questions, we will be happy to advise you personally. Please feel free to contact us at any time at eresearch@uni-marburg.de