
HeFDI Data Week June 2024 - Track 1.2: Research Software and Data with Jupyter and GitLab


03. Juni 2024 09:00 – 03. Juni 2024 15:15
Termin herunterladen (.ics)

Online event

The events of "Track 1.2: Research Software and Data with Jupyter and GitLab" are part of the HeFDI Data Week in June 2024.

 09.00 - 10.15 Jupyter: Introduction and Installation (EN)
Interactive computing, data processing and programming for beginners and experts: Jupyter is a versatile tool and offers an introduction to the world of programming. The notebook and its functions will be introduced in a practice-oriented manner. Additionally, it will be discussed in which ways Jupyter can be used.

10.30 - 11.45 Jupyter and Python: Data Evaluation and Visualization (Hands-on Session) (EN)
Following up on the introductory part, during this session we will go through an exemplary data evaluation and visualization using Python in a JupyterHub environment.

12.30 - 13.45 Git and GitLab (EN)
An introduction to Git and collaborative working with GitLab.

14.00 - 15.15 Host your own websites with GitLab Pages (Hands-on Session) (EN)
In this practical workshop, participants will learn how to easily operate and host websites with GitLab Pages. During the workshop participants will create and publish a website using a static site generator.


Presenter & Chair: Dr. Christian Berger (Philipps-University Marburg)
Chair & Presenter: Tim Bender (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences)
Language: English