
Dorothee Beck

Dr.; Political Science, Gender Studies; currently coordinator of the interdisciplinary research network "Gender – Power Relations – State" at Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Beck gained her Diploma in Political Science and Journalistic Studies from Hamburg University in 1987. After 25 years of professional work in journalism and public relations, she started a scientific career at Marburg University. In her PhD-thesis (2016) she investigated media representations of female candidates for prime ministry at the state level in Germany. She then conducted the research project “Genderism in media debate. Thematic cycles from 2006 to 2016” (2017-2019) and coordinated the project “Gender-fair language in school textbooks in Germany and France” (2019/2020), in which scholars at Giessen and Marburg Universities as well as scholars from three Paris Universities collaborated. Her research interests cover gender-based violence in political institutions, political participation and gender, feminist theories of democracy, as well as antifeminism / anti-gender.