
Claudia Ulbrich

Prof. Dr. phil., historian, from 1994-2015 Professor of Early Modern History and Gender History at Freie Universität in Berlin and from 2004-2012 speaker of the DFG Research Group “Self-Narratives in Transcultural Perspective”. In addition to writing numerous articles and reviews, she is the author of “Shulamit and Margarete. Power, Gender and Religion in a Rural Society in Eighteenth-Century Europe” (transl. by Thomas Dunlop 2004). She is co-editor of the series “Selbstzeugnisse der Neuzeit” and was responsible for the sections Gender and Jews in the Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit (Metzler Verlag, 2005-2012). As Member of the editorial board of L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft she co-edited the issues Gewalt (1996), Heldinnen (2001), Geschlechterdebatten (2002) Geschlechtergeschichte global (2012), Auto/Biographie (2013) and Schwesterfiguren (2017). She is currently working with Gudrun Emberger on the 2nd volume of the writings of the actress Karoline Kummerfeld (1742-1815). Vol. 1 "Die Selbstzeugnisse.1782 and 1793” has been published in 2021.