20.04.2022 "The notion of destruction in genocide and the protection of the cultural identity of ethnic groups in armed conflicts" - Dr. Lorena Cecilia Vega Dueñas / Dr. Gustavo Emilio Cote Barco

Für das zweite Monatskolloquium des Jahres 2022 konnte das ICWC Dr. Lorena Cecilia Vega Dueñas und Dr. Gustavo Emilio Cote Barco (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá) als Vortragende gewinnen.
Sie werden einen Vortrag zu dem Thema "The notion of destruction in genocide and the protection of the cultural identity of ethnic groups in armed conflicts: the case of the Nasa people in the north of the Department of Cauca (Colombia)" in englischer Sprache halten.
This research explores to what extent the international legal definition of genocide protects the cultural identity of ethnic groups, as an autonomous interest. It argues that cultural identity constitutes an object of protection with relative autonomy. The acts of genocide do not always occur under analogous conditions, because the effects of violence depend on the context in which it takes place and on the characteristics of the attacked group. To support this consideration, the research connects the normative analysis of the relevant jurisprudence and the preparatory works of the Convention with the empirical study of the case of the Nasa people. Thus, it seeks to illustrate some types of damage that the cultural identity of indigenous peoples can suffer in armed conflicts.
Der Vortrag und die sich anschließende Diskussion finden online via Zoom statt.
Sie sind herzlich zur Teilnahme eingeladen.
27. April 2022
16 Uhr c.t.
Der Zoomraum wird ab 16.00 Uhr geöffnet sein.
Die Anmeldeinformationen lauten:
Meeting-ID: 938 5059 6330
Kenncode: ICWC2003
Linn-Sophie Löber