27.06.2023 ICWC-Monatskolloquium am 28.06.23: "Archives of Military Courts in Colonial Congo: New Sources for the History of Violence and Agency in Central Africa"

Zum Monatskolloquium des ICWC am 28. Juni 2023 laden wir Sie herzlich zu einem Vortrag von Amandine Lauro (FNRS/Free University of Brussels) ein. Referieren wird sie zum Thema:
"Archives of Military Courts in Colonial Congo: New Sources for the History of Violence and Agency in Central Africa":
This presentation aims to present the first results and challenges of a project of digitization and analysis of the recently rediscovered archives of the Conseils de Guerre - military courts - of colonial Congo (1885-1960). Conseils de Guerre were competent for the trial of Congolese soldiers and Belgian officers for the violation of both military and civilian law. As a long-considered lost collection of more than 5000 court records encompassing 70 years of testimonies of colonial military crimes, these archives offer unparalleled insights on the complex relation between law, impunity and armed violence in colonial Central Africa. In the first part of the presentation, I will document the archival trajectory of the Conseils de Guerre's records and the challenges raised by their on-going digitization in the context of debates about the contested heritage of Belgian "displaced" colonial public archives. In the second part, I will offer some preliminary reflections on the historiographic value of these records for histories of repression and agency in colonial contexts, illustrated by specific court cases.
Wann? Am Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023, 16.00 Uhr c.t.
Wo? In Präsenz in Raum +3/0070 (307) Savignyhaus, Universitätsstraße 6 in Marburg
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