Monatskolloquium im Juni: » I don't see gender « - the gendered conceptualization of international crimes with reference to the cases of female ISIS perpetrators before German Higher Regional Courts
29. Juni 2022 16:15 – 29. Juni 2022 17:45
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» I don't see gender « - the gendered conceptualization of international crimes with reference to the cases of female ISIS perpetrators before German Higher Regional Courts (Jana Trapp)
Für das letzte Monatskolloquium im Sommersemester konnten wir Jana Trapp (Universiteit van Amsterdam & Columbia University) als Vortragende gewinnen.
Sie wird zum Thema "» I don't see gender « - the gendered conceptualization of international crimes with reference to the cases of female ISIS perpetrators before German Higher Regional Courts" referieren.
Lesen Sie hier ein kurzes Abstract zum Vortrag:
Although women have always been involved in armed conflicts around the world, the image of the ideologically acting, male combatant dominates the minds of the judiciary, the public and even experts on regional conflicts. The participation of women in international crimes, such as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, has long been considered an anomaly that falls beyond the ‘normal’ scope of conflict-related criminality. Women in the context of macrocriminality are (still) given stereotypical narratives: Not always, but often they also benefited from them since they were increasingly assigned to the role of a suppressed wife or even a victim.
This assessment of women and their role deepens a long-existing blind spot because of the exclusion by and large of female perpetrators, especially within gender-based crimes, such as the gender-based persecution as a crime against humanity, but also within crimes that criminalise conduct that, depending on the ideology, is carried out by women. Are women "less evil" than men? Or are crimes under international criminal law perhaps not constructed for female behavior? Does subsuming female behavior under international crimes escape our attention caused by a given “gender bias”?
Convictions of female ISIS perpetrators based on international criminal law are increasingly rising in German jurisprudence. Are there more female perpetrators or are the legal framework and conditions, e. g. more awareness about women’s role and capacities for such investigations, different that reveal the perpetration of women and lead to a sincere criminal procedure? The lecture takes on this phenomenon by addressing cases of female ISIS perpetrators before German courts and analyzing their gender-specific aspects.
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29. Juni 2022
16 Uhr c.t.
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Meeting-ID: 938 5059 6330
Kenncode: ICWC2003
Jana Trapp (Universiteit van Amsterdam & Columbia University)