Ringvorlesung zu "Internationalization of intra-state conflicts: general trends and examples from west asia and north africa"
28. Januar 2025 18:15 – 28. Januar 2025 19:45
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
101 (SEM +1/0010) (Pilgrimstein 12, Seminargebäude (B | 07))
Since the 2010s, the internationalization of intra-state conflicts has become a trend in armed conflicts. Third parties get involved in an on-going civil war, providing direct military support or a whole range of indirect support to one party to the conflict. Notably, both recipients and supporters include state and non-state actors. The internationalization of intra-state conflicts can have negative effects in many regards, including the duration and management of conflicts as well as the harm it causes to civilian life. The talk will discuss these general trends by drawing on concrete cases from West Asia and North Africa.
Prof.'in Dr.'in Hanna Pfeifer