
Ringvorlesung zu "Safeguarding Children from Sexual Abuse in Conflict and Crisis Zones"


14. Januar 2025 18:15 – 14. Januar 2025 19:45
Termin herunterladen (.ics)

101 (SEM +1/0010) (Pilgrimstein 12, Seminargebäude (B | 07))

This talk focuses on reviews how peacekeepers and humanitarian workers in conflct and crisis zones can implement child safeguarding as part of preventing sexual exploitation and abuse, and sets out lessons to be learned for future operations. The talk draws on field research from peacekeeping contexts, peacekeeping training centres, humanitarian interventions, INGOs, and multilateral organisations over the past eight years. We foreground recent developments and gold standard approaches, including setting out clearly how child safeguarding can and has been implemented by all of those actors and stakeholders. Understandings of safeguarding in theory and in practice are at the forefront of understanding how to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, and crucially to uphold the ‘do no harm’ principle in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. Without that principle being foregrounded and given effect, peace operations will lack the legitimacy needed to work on the ground. Yet too little continues to be understood and implemented about child safeguarding in practice and across scale. 


Prof.in. Rosa Freedman
Prof.in. Sarah Blakemore
