15.07.2020 Umfrage NORM

Dear Philipps-Universität Marburg student,
The NORM project aims at making student mobility the norm in Europe. Philipps-Universität Marburg and the universities and students behind this initiative believe that every higher education student should have the opportunity to go on an exchange abroad during their studies, irrespective of their grades, study program, home institution or socio-economic background.
The answers to this survey will help us to identify the institutional and structural barriers that stand in the way of student mobility. This will allow us to complement the existing research on the individual obstacles faced by students when going abroad (e.g. lack of economic resources or family commitments) and to put forward solutions that help to bring about systemic change.
We are living in challenging times. Covid-19 has fundamentally reshaped our present and it is likely to redefine our future. We want to make sure that part of this change translates into better incentives for students to go abroad, and into a European mobility framework that is more accessible, sustainable, and transparent. Your participation in this survey will help us to take significant steps in that direction and to make informed decisions. You will only need about 5 minutes to answer this survey https://www.ub.edu/ubforms/en/orifee/institutional-academic-and-structural-obstacles-international-students-mobility
Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
Stay healthy!
Your Erasmus Team at Philipps-Universität Marburg