Cross-Cultural Competencies and Skills
Fachübergreifende Studienkompetenzen und Orientierung für den Arbeitsmarkt – das bietet das ARIADNE-Projekt des International Office speziell für internationale Studierende. Wir laden Sie herzlich zu diesem Workshop ein.
26. Januar 2018 09:00 – 26. Januar 2018 17:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Deutschhausstraße 11+13, Raum 01.0020
- How can I expand my own cross-cultural competencies?
- Which insights and strategies can help me to successfully deal with communicative challenges and personal irritation in my everyday interaction and cooperation at university?
- Which role do silent assumptions, power asymmetries and unconscious expectations play?
- Which stages and emotional ups and downs are typical during a long-term stay abroad?
During this interactive workshop, participants learn to understand the diverse cross-cultural challenges they are exposed to both on campus and in their private life during their stay abroad.
A specific focus is placed on establishing transparency about unconscious assumptions on the participants’ side as well as the hidden expectations of the German university system.
Through a combination of interactive activities, group discussions and informative inputs, strategies for dealing with cross-cultural challenges in a constructive way are introduced and practiced.
The workshop will be held in English.
Anmeldefrist: 15. Dezember
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über Ilias: ANMELDEN (Bitte zuerst bei ILIAS einloggen)
Miriam Remy, multiplier for cross-cultural competencies and anti-bias, Bonn
ARIADNE-Projekt des International Office
ARIADNE-Projekt des International Office
Mail: ariadne@uni-marburg.de