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European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies

The European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies, EUPeace, evolves out of nine core member universities that have committed their strategic international outlook in teaching, research and administration in higher education to the core ideas and values expressed in the jointly composed EUPeace Mission Statement, reflecting the values and goals that we – as EUPeace member institutions – stand for.

Our focus clearly remains on the core European values of human dignity, human rights, freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law. All of which is embedded in the knowledge structure that our higher education institutions bring towards shaping a European Society.

The underlying context of addressing and reacting to pressing societal changes accompanies all our activities within EUPeace. We argue that peace cannot flourish unless a set of enabling conditions are firmly in place: it goes hand in hand with a deep commitment to justice and inclusion. EUPeace is about strengthening these enabling conditions for peace: understanding them better through research, nurturing them actively through education, and fostering them broadly through societal outreach and innovative practices. 

EUPeace is meant be a learning and teaching hub, a European campus where the next generation will be trained to create peaceful, cooperative, just, and inclusive environments. EUPeace will thus strengthen the European Higher Education Area and anchor core European values in university education and European societies. 

This approach is not limited to fields of study that “naturally” occupy themselves with questions of Peace, Justice, and Inclusion. It is a comprehensive approach actively involving all academic areas.

Between 2023 and 2027, the European Commission is providing remarkable support via Erasmus+, enabling us to fulfill our commitments and thereby strengthening the cohesion of our collaboration.

In this 4-year period our work is organised in eight work packages. Partners pair with two co-leads to share the responsibility of leading and guiding all partners in reaching the set goals within the work packages. Cross-references between work packages allow lecturers, researchers, administrative personnel and ultimately the EUPeace student population to have opportunities to utilise the strengths of all partners and synergies of complementing areas of expertise.  

All individuals associated with one of the EUPeace partner institutions, whether students, doctoral candidates, academic or administrative staff, are invited and welcome to become part of EUPeace and to benefit from the activities offered within the network.

Below you can find out more about what EUPeace has to offer for you!