03.05.2019 Prof. Dr. Inger Skjelsbæck "Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Research and Policy. Mapping Out a Knowledge Field" | 15. Mai 2019, 18:00 c.t.

Prof. Dr. Inger Skjelsbæk (Oslo):
Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Research and Policy Mapping Out a Knowledge Field
15 May 2019, 18:00 c.t.
Lecture Hall 109 (+1/1090)
Deutschhausstraße 3
The topic of this lecture is how research on conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) has developed since the 1990s. The phenomenon of CRSV has gone from being in the margins of conventional understandings of peace and conflict to becoming the focus of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018, when the prize was awarded to Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege. This is a monumental change which has come about due to close interaction between global research and policy communities. Skjelsbæk will discuss the background for this change as well as what the increased focus entails for knowledge production.
Prof. Dr. Inger Skjelsbæk: Center for Gender Research at the University Oslo (UiO) at the Center for Gender, Peace and Security, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)