30.09.2020 Welcome to Dr. Ana Ivasiuc, our new scientific collaborator!
The Center for Conflict Studies welcomes Dr. Ana Ivasiuc as scientific collaborator.
Dr. Ana Ivasiuc is a social anthropologist working interdisciplinarily on urban insecurity, social and racial inequalities, policing, and the far-right in Europe. Her doctoral thesis in the anthropology of development analyzed conflicts within a World Bank-funded community development project implemented in destitute Roma communities in Romania as a lens revealing the strategies of upward social mobility of Roma. In her postdoctoral research within the Collaborative Research Center ‘Dynamics of Security: Forms of Securitization in Historical Perspective’ she has conducted research in Italy on the securitization of the Roma, carrying out an ethnography of formal and informal policing in the peripheries of Rome. In 2020, she has joined our Center to conduct a comparative ethnography of civilian defense groups or neighbourhood patrols in Germany and The Netherlands, for which she obtained funding from the Gerda Henkel Foundation’s Special Program ‘Security, Society, State’. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed international journals and has co-edited two volumes (Roma Activism: Reimagining Power and Knowledge, with Sam Beck, 2018, Berghahn Books, and The Securitization of the Roma in Europe, with Huub van Baar and Regina Kreide, 2019, Palgrave Macmillan). Some of her work can be found here. Ana is the winner of the 2017 Columbia-Marburg-Barcelona-Glasgow Consortium Award, sponsored by the Council for European Studies at Columbia University for her article ‘Securitization of Identities and Racial Eastern-Europeanization’. Since 2020, she is a social media editor of the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, and one of the co-conveners of the Anthropology of Security network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists.