10.08.2022 The SHARINPEACE website is online

An Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships project with six international partners design a Europe-wide Conflict Intervention Simulation

Foto von jungen Menschen, die diskutieren
Foto: Colourbox.de/Aleksandr
Studierende verschiedener europäischer Hochschulen werden innerhalb des Projektes SHARINPEACE die Rolle von Friedens-, Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen einnehmen und so Konfliktlösungsstrategien erproben.

Peace and human rights are closely related. Without respect for human rights, peace is fragile and without peace, human rights cannot be realized. This is taught not least by a look at European history.

The project "Simulating Human Rights in Peacebuilding (SHARINPEACE)" aims to make the connection between human rights and peace learnable during studies. An international network of six partners from Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Serbia and Germany is developing a joint innovative module in this project.

SHARINPEACE aims to train tomorrow's decision-makers to understand and practice human rights as an integral part of peacebuilding. Through SHARINPEACE, students and teachers are sensitized to how human rights can be integrated into conflict transformation.
The project focuses on the design and pilot run of a two-part, network-wide module.

Students will first acquire core competencies in the interrelated areas of human rights and peacebuilding, and in the second part will put their acquired competencies into (simulated) practice in a Crisis Interventions Simulation (CRIS).

On the new website of the SHARINPEACE project, further developments and reports of the project will be posted.

Find the German project description here.
