24.07.2024 Students from South Caucasus Visit the Center for Conflict Studies

As part of the EU4Dialogue project, students from Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan visited the Center for Conflict Studies on a DAAD study trip. The Center was the host to 16 students. Stéphane Voell and three student did welcome the guests from the Caucasus.

During the visit, Voell introduced the Center for Conflict Studies, highlighting its diverse academic programmes and the vibrant student life in Marburg. Following this, Olga Duckwitz, Tanja Crämer, and Anita Köhler provided an insightful introduction to the field of Peace and Conflict Studies. The students selected various conflicts to analyze and gained valuable insights into conflict analysis tools.

The interactive session saw participants working in three small groups, each producing their own conflict analyses using different methods. These findings were then presented and discussed among the peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment. The event concluded with an engaging discussion about the study programmes in Marburg and future career opportunities in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies.

“We were delighted to host the participants of the DAAD academic trip and wish them all the best for the future,” remarked Stéphane Voell.

EU4Dialogue is a multi-component programme funded by the European Union. It supports initiatives aimed at fostering dialogue and people-to-people contacts across dividing lines in the South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova. Planned activities in the fields of school and higher education, as well as culture, include study trips for pupils and students to EU countries, online language courses for teachers, summer schools, guest lectureships, artist residencies, and training courses on cultural management, pedagogy, cultural heritage, theatre, and film.