Promotionen am Arbeitsbereich
Laufende Promotionsprojekte
Sibth Ul Hassan: Land Disputes and Governance Reforms in Pashtun Tribal Areas.
Rachmi Hertanti: A Maneuvre to Break the Chain of Green Colonialism in the South? Indonesia’s Industrial Policy on Downstream Natural Resources for Electric Vehicle Battery Production
Johanna Kocks: Envisioning Social Change - Soziale Bewegungen und Widerstand im Kontext sozio-ökologischer Konflikte.
Christin Stühlen: Umweltkonflikte in Südosteuropa: Lithium, Protest und die grüne Transformation.
Heloísa Traiano: No Future For The People? How Germany and Italy Embrace Anti-Environmental Identities under Apocalyptical Far-Right Politics
Rebeka Gluhbegovic: The long years of extractivism: What are the spill-over effects of phosphate mining in the region of Gafsa?
Dani Haudenschild (Uni Kassel): Paving the Earth. Autobahn Infrastructure Development of the A49 in Germany
Anne Reiff (Uni Kassel): “Can the subaltern speak or can the World Bank listen?” The World Bank’s politics of listening in the participatory study “Voices of the Poor” from a postcolonial-feminist perspective
Hanna Schnieders (Uni Erfurt): Decolonising Global Justice Debates: Experiences of Climate Activists
Abgeschlossene Promotionsprojekte
Dustin Schäfer (Uni Kassel): Zwischen Disruption und Legitimation entwicklungspolitischer Praktiken. Der Beitrag des Inspection Panels der Weltbank zum Organisationslernen aus Perspektive einer machtkritischen Bürokratieforschung.(Zweitbetreuung)