Dr. Stéphane Voell
Geschäftsführer, Koordinator
+49 6421 28-24503 voell@staff 1 Ketzerbach 1135032 Marburg
F|20 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 107 bzw. +1/0070)
Philipps-Universität Marburg Zentrum für Konfliktforschung (ZfK)Publikationen
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Regional: Kaukasus (bes. Georgien), postsozialistischer Raum, Südosteuropa (bes. Albanien), Mittelmeerraum
Thematisch: Ethnizität und Identitätspolitik, Religion, Recht, Konflikt, postsozialistische Prozesse, RaumLehre
(52) Introduction into the Anthropology of Conflict (2023, in English)
(51) Conflict Intervention Simulation (2023, in English, with Kerstin Zimmer)
(50) Konflikt und Frieden im Kaukasus: Organisationen im Peacebuilding (2022/23, Conflict and Peace in the Caucasus: Peacebuilding Organisations)
(49) Anthropological Perspectives on Peace and Conflict (2022, initially planned in English)
(48) Konfliktinterventionssimulation (2021, Conflict Intervention Simulation, with Kerstin Zimmer)
(47) Staatlichkeit von De-facto Staaten im Postsozialistischen Staaten (2021/22, Statebuilding in Defacto States in the Postsocialist Space, two semester research seminar)
(46) Soziale Bewegungen im Südkaukasus (2020/21, Social Movements in the South Caucasus, two semester research seminar)
(45) Introduction into Social Anthropology (2019, guest lecturer at the German-Kazakh-University in Almaty, Kazakhstan)
(44) Ethnizität im Kaukasus (2019, Ethnicity in the Caucasus)
(43) Konfliktinterventionssimulation (2019, Conflict Intervention Simulation, with Kerstin Zimmer)
(42) Frieden schaffen, Planspiel "Rosanien" (2019, role game, with Kerstin Zimmer)
(41) Introduction into Social Anthropology (2018, guest lecturer at the German-Kazakh-University in Almaty, Kazakhstan)
(40) Contested Cultural Heritage in the Post-Socialist Space (2018, in English)
(39) Kaukasus „von unten“: Lokale Dynamiken und das Leben mit Konflikten (2018/19, Caucasus "from Below": Local Dynamics and Life with Conflicts, two semester research seminar)
(38) Konflikte um Raum im Kaukasus: Über abtrünnige Regionen, umstrittenes Kulturerbe und umkämpfte Gotteshäuser (2017/18, Conflicts over Space in the Caucasus: on Breakaway Regions, Disputed Cultural Heritage and Contested Places of Worship)
(37) Soziale Bewegungen und Zivilgesellschaft im postsozialistischen Raum (2017, Social Movements and Civil Society in the Post-socialist Space, with Ingo W. Schröder)
(36) Mit Theorien arbeiten: Ethnografien unter der Lupe verschiedener Perspektiven (2015/16, Working with Theories: Ethnographies under the Magnifying Glass of DifferentPperspectives, with Ingo W. Schröder)
(35) Forschungs- und Abschlusskolloquium (2016, research colloquium for students in the final phase of their studies)
(34) Rechercheteam (2015/16, two semester research seminar, with Philipp Naucke)
(33) Geschichten aus dem Feld: Themen der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (2016, lecture, Stories from the field: Research Topics from Cultural and SocialAnthropology)
(32) Ethnizität im Kaukasus: Identität, Differenz und Konflikt (2015/16, Ethnicity in the Caucasus: Identity, Difference and Conflict)
(31) Entdecken, Erkunden, Präsentieren: Annäherung an Objekte der Völkerkundlichen Sammlung (2015/16, Discovering, Exploring, Presenting: Approaching Material Culture in the Anthropological Museum, with Dagmar Schweitzer de Palacios)
(30) Transnationalismus, Globalisierung und die Verortung von Kultur (2015/16, Transnationalism, Globalization and the Localization of Culture)
(29) Forschungs- und Abschlusskolloquium (2015/16, research colloquium for students in the final phase of their studies)
(28) Rechercheteam (2015/16, 2nd part of research seminar, with Philip Naucke and Anja Bohnenberger)
(27) Religion und religiöse Praxis im Kaukasus (2015/16, Religion and Religious Practice in the Caucasus).
(26) Leben im "Transitbereich": Die Flüchtlinge der Sezessionskriege im Kaukasus (2015, Life In-Between: the Refugees of the Wars in the Caucasus).
(25) Beyond Conflict: Local Realities in the Caucasus (2014, in English)
(24) Räume, Orte, Grenzen: Die Wiederentdeckung der Anthropologie des Raums (2013/14, Spaces, Places, Borders: the Rediscovery of the Anthropology of Space)
(23) Kaukasusdeutsche: Konfliktreiche Beziehungen in einer multiethnischen Region (2013, Caucasus Germans: Conflictual Relations in a Multi-ethnic Region).
(22) Einführung in die Ethnologie des Raums (2012/13, Introduction into the Anthropology of Space)
(21) Ethnizität & Konflikt in ethnologischen Theorien (2011, Ethnicity and Conflict in Ethnological Theories)
(20) Ethnische Gruppenbildung im Südkaukasus (2011, Ethnic Groupbuilding in the South Caucasus).
(19) Musical Anthropology in the Republic of Georgia (2009/10, in English, with excursion to Georgia in May 2010, with Bernard Poulelaouen)
(18) "Marx Went Away – But Karl Stayed Behind": Ethnologie des Postsozialismus (2009, Anthropology of postsocialism)
(17) Tatmotiv Ehre: Suche nach einer ethnologischen Erklärung (2009/10, Motive: Honour - Searching an Anthropological Explanation, research seminar for two semesters)
(16) Empirische Methoden der Kultur- und Religionswissenschaft (2008/09, Empirical Methods in Cultural and Religious Studies)
(15) Konflikt und Gewalt in der Ethnologie (2008/09, Conflict and Violence in Anthropology)
(14) Human Rights in Local Practice: Anthropological Perspectives on the Globalisation of Law (2006/07, in English)
(13) Vorstellung von Ehre und Schande in Marburger Migrantenfamilien (2006/07, Conceptions of Honour and Shame among Migrant Families in Marburg)
(12) Anthropology of Honour (2007, in English, with Elke Kamm)
(11) Legal Labyrinths: Ethnological Perspectives on Legal Pluralism (2006/07, in English)
(10) Ethnologie des Postsozialismus in Europa (2005, Anthropology of Postsocialism in Europe)
(9) Schulen der Ethnologie (2004/05, Anthropological Schools)
(8) Rechtsethnologie – Wiederentdeckung eines klassischen ethnologischen Forschungsfeldes (2004, Anthropology of Law: Rediscovery of a Classic Field of Research)
(7) Ethnologie des Balkans (2003/04, Anthropology of the Balkans, with Barbara Frank and Ulrike Krasberg).
(6) Ethnologie in Ostdeutschland: Begleitveranstaltung zur Exkursion nach Ostdeutschland im Juni 2003 (2003, Anthropology in Eastern Germany: Preparatory seminar for the excursion to Eastern Germany in June 2003, with Mark Münzel and Kathleen Wind)
(5) Ehre, Schande, Blutrache: Gewohnheitsrecht und Ehrbegriff im Mittelmeerraum (2002/03, Honour, Shame, Blood Feud: Customary Law and the Conception of Honour in the Mediterranean Region)
(4) Ethnologie der Kommunikation: Mündlichkeit, Schriftlichkeit, Medialität (2002, Anthropology of Communication: Orality, Literacy and Mediality, with Ingo W. Schröder)
(3) "Was soll das Theater?" Über Spiel und Inszenierung in der Ethnologie (2001/01, "What is this fuss [theatre] about?" On Play and and Staging in Anthropology, with Mark Münzel)
(2) Übung in der Völkerkundlichen Sammlung (2000/01, Exercise in the Anthropological Museum)
(1) Übung in der Völkerkundlichen Sammlung (1999, Exercise in the Anthropological Museum)
2022. Der Einfluss des Kriegs in der Ukraine auf den Südkaukasus. Paper presented in the lecture series Friedensbildung – Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele, Universität Hamburg, 09.12.2022.
2022. The War in the Ukraine: Social Consequences in the Region. Participation at a Roudtable on the occasion of the conference "Societal Conflicts: Collective Action in an Unequal World (Zentrumstage 2022)", 16.07.2022.
2022. Bergkarabach und das Projekt „Caucasus Conflict Culture“. Paper presented in the lecture series Friedensbildung – Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele, Universität Hamburg, 27.01.2022.
2019. Frieden und Kooperation im Kaukasus. Wie erklärt man nachträglich etwas als Friedensprojekt was nie als Friedensprojekt angelegt war, doch was vermehrt von Beteiligten und Beobachtern als Friedensprojekt bezeichnet wird? Paper presented in the lecture series Friedensbildung – Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele, Universität Hamburg, 26.11.2019.
2019. Imitation of State: Living with the Non-Recognition. Paper presented at the First Joint Workshop of the Conflict Analysis Research Centre (CARC, University of Kent) and the Center for Conflict Studies in Canterbury, 15.11.2019.
2019. Konflikt und Gewohnheitsrecht im Südkaukasus: Über den Umgang mit Tradition und Geschichte. Paper presented in the lecture series of the Gießener Geographische Gesellschaft, Justus Liebig Universität Gießen, 21.10.2019.
2019. Legal Imaginaries of Traditional Law. Paper presented in the panel „Considering Everyday Imaginative Practices“ at the occasion of the conference „The End of Negotiations?„, Conference of the German Anthropological Association (GAA), 29.09.-02.10.2019, University of Konstanz.
2018. Place, Place-Making and Population Movement: Monumentalization of Space in Georgia. Paper presented in the panel „Contested Spaces“ at the occasion of the conference Space in Peace and Conflict (Zentrumstage), Center for Conflict Studies (CCS) of the Philipps-Universität Marburg, 19.10.2018.
2018. Legal Imaginary. Paper presented in the Forschungskolloquium Center for Conflict Studies (CCS) of the Philipps-Universität Marburg, 25.06.2018.
2017. Place, Place-Making and Population Movement: Cultural Inscriptions in Southern Georgia. Paper presented in the panel on Caucasus Studies at the occasion of 33. German Oriental Studies Conference, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, 21.09.2017.
2017. Tradition, Recht und lokale Rechtspraktiken in Georgien. Paper presented at the occasion of the lecture series „Konflikte in Gegenwart und Zukunft“, organized by the Center for Conflict Studies (CCS) and the Interdisziplinären Seminar zu Ökologie und Zukunftssicherung (ISEM) of the Philipps-Universität Marburg, 30.01.2017.
2016. Einschreibungen in umkämpfte Räume: Religiöse Orte in Georgien. Trial lecture at the occasion of the search procedure for the position of professor for social anthropology at the University Fribourg (CH), 19.05.2016.
2015. Über Probleme zu Problemen: Mit Problembasierten Lernen zu Flüchtlingen im Südkaukasus. Paper presented in the Krisen und Konflikte in der Lehre: Neue fachdidaktische Konzepte (Convenors: Stéphane Voell and Thorsten Bonacker) on the occasion of the conference of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) in Marburg, 03.10.2015.
2015. Ein Ganz normaler Autounfall? Konfliktvermittlung zwischen traditioneller und staatlicher Rechtsprechung. Paper presented in the Department of Ethnology of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 25.06.2015.
2015. Legal Imaginaries from the Highlands: Traditional Law in Albania and Georgia. Paper presented at the conference Ethno-Cultural Diversity in the Balkans and the Caucasus at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, 02.-04.03.2015.
2014. Traditionelles Recht in Südgeorgien. Trial lecture at the occasion of the search procedure for the position of professor for Caucasus Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 17.06.2014.
2012. Project on Security Systems in the Northern Caucasus. Paper presented in the workshop Sharia, Adat and the Law in Transitional Dagestan, organised by Centre for Independent Social Research CISR (St Petersburg) and the Dagestanian State University in Makhachkala (Dagestan, Russian Federation), 13-14.12.2012.
2011. Recht, Tradition, Männer: Zur heutigen Rolle des traditionellen Rechts in Georgien und Albanien. Paper presented in the „Institutskolloquium“ of the Institute of Ethnology of the University in Hamburg, 13.12.2011.
2011. A Car Accident in a Svan Village (Kvemo Kartli). Paper presented in the symposium Perceptions of the State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus: Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics (Convenors: Stéphane Voell, Natia Jalabadze, Lavrenti Janiashvili & Elke Kamm) in Batumi, 14-18.11.2011. This presentation has been published.
2011. Introduction into the Conference. Paper presented in the symposium Perceptions of the State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus: Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics (Convenors: Stéphane Voell, Natia Jalabadze, Lavrenti Janiashvili & Elke Kamm) in Batumi, 14-18.11.2011.
2011. Against Essentialism. Paper presented in the symposium Caucasus, Conflict, Culture: First Symposium on Anthropology and the Prevention of Conflicts in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (Convenors: Stéphane Voell & Ketevan Khutsishvili) in Tbilisi, 31.10.-05.11.2011. This presentation has been published.
2011. „Tragbares Swanetien“: Ikonen und Eid im georgischen Tiefland. Paper presented in the workshop „Körperbilder und Bildkörper: Rituelle Ökologien und sakrale Landschaften im Mittelmeerraum“ (Convenors: Michaela Schäuble and Martin Zillinger) on the occasion of the conference of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) in Vienna, 14-17.09.2011.
2011. Dissussant for the Closing Discussion of the Workshop Capital Cities in Transformation: Spaces, Actors and Transfers (Organisers: Madlen Pilz & Melanie Krebs) at the Humboldt University Berlin, SFB 640, Institute for European Anthropology, 08-09.09.2011.
2011. Kulla and Koshki: Identity and Traditional Law in Albania and Georgia. Paper presented in the conference „Southeast European (Post) Modernities“ of the International Association of Southeastern European Anthropologists (InASEA) in Regensburg, 28.04.-01.05.2011.
2011. Einführung: Raus aus der Defensive! Paper presented together with Tatjana Thelen at the workshop „Raus aus der Defensive! Kritische Standortbestimmung und Zukunft der Beziehung Ethnologie – Europäische Ethnologie“ (Convenors: Stéphane Voell and Tatjana Thelen). Workshop of the Regionalgruppe Europa of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) in Marburg, 25-26.02.2011.
2011. Ehrvorstellungen im traditionellen Recht im heutigen Georgien und Albanien. Paper presented in the conference „Ehre und Schande in historischen und zeitgenössischen Diskursen (Interdisziplinären Forum)“, organised by the Elitenetzwerk Bayern in Regensburg, 28.-29. 01.2011.
2011. Berufsfeld Forschung. Paper presented at the workshop „Berufsfelder in der Forschung: Zweite Berufsfeldveranstaltung des Fachbereichs Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie, organised by the Philipps Universität Marburg, 21.01. 2011.
2010. Research on Traditional Law in Kvemo Kartli (Report on Work in Progress). Paper presented in the workshop „Traditional Law in the Republic of Georgia“ (Convenors: Stéphane Voell, Lavrenti Janiashvili, Natia Jalabadze, Elke Kamm), organised in association with the Institute of History and Ethnography (Tbilisi, Georgia) in Tbilisi, 01.10 2010.
2010. Ethnology, Ethnography or Anthropology? Lecture at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University for the students of the B.A. Ethnology, 30.09.2010.
2010. Practice of Traditional Law in Svan Villages in Kvemo Kartli. Paper presented in the workshop Law in the Caucasus: anthropological perspectives on legal practice (Convenors: Stéphane Voell and Lavrenti Janiashvili) on the occasion of the conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) in Maynooth, 24-27.08. 2010.
2010. Presentation of the Research Project „The Revitalisation of Traditional Law in the Republic of Georgia“. Paper presented in the conference Between Europe and the Orient; A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia and the Caucausus, Volkswagen-Foundation, in Tbilisi, 19-21.05.2010.
2010. Traditionelles Recht in Georgien. Paper presented together with Elke Kamm the AnthroLab, Cultural and Social Anthropology, Philipps Universität in Marburg, 04.02.2010.
2009. Aufführungen traditioneller Ordnungen in Albanien und Georgien. Paper presented in the workshop „Kontakt- und Bruchzonen in Landschaften des Mittelmeerraums“ (Convenors: Michaela Schäuble and Martin Zillinger) on the occasion of the conference of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) in Frankfurt am Main, 02.10.2009.
2009. Traditional Law in Kvemo Kartli and the Reaction of the State. Paper presented in the workshop „Traditional Law in the Republic of Georgia“. (Convenors: Stéphane Voell, Lavrenti Janiashvili, Natia Jalabadze, Elke Kamm), organised in association with the Institute of History and Ethnography (Tbilisi, Georgia) in Tbilisi, 16.09.2009.
2009. Die Revitialisierung von traditionellem Recht in Georgien: Vorstellung. Paper presented in „Marburger AnthroLab“, Cultural and Social Anthropology, Philipps University Marburg, 05.02.2009.
2008. „… denn darum, wie um eine Achse, drehte sich fast alles andere“: Das nordalbanische Gewohnheitsrecht „Kanun“ in der albanischen Ethnologie im Sozialismus. Paper presented at the conference „Die wissenschaftliche Selbstbeschreibung der sozialistischen Gesellschaft: Soziologie und Ethnologie/Ethnografie in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa 1945-1989“, organised by the Collegium Carolinum in Bad Wiessee (Tegernsee), 20-23.11.2008. This presentation has been published.
2005. „Das Lächeln der Töchter“: Traditionelle Clan-Strukturen und Gewohnheitsrecht im postsozialistischen Albanien. Paper presented in the University of Hamburg, on the invitation of the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Deutsch-Albanische Freundschaftsgesellschaft and Nebenfachstudiengang Osteuropastudien der Universität Hamburg, 21.09.2005. This presentation has been published.
2004. North Albanian Customary Law Kanun as a „Habitus“. Paper presented in the workshop „At the Heart of (Every?) Society? Reintegrating Legal Anthropology into Social Anthropology“ (Convenors: Werner Zips und Franz von Benda-Beckmann) on the occasion of the conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) in Vienna, 08-12.09.2004.
2003. Mediating with the Past: Nongovernmental Conflict Management Organisations in Albania. Paper presented in the workshop “Exporting Democracy? Civic Identity, Citizenship, Nationalism” (Convenor: Klaus Roth) on the occasion of the conference of the International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA) in Graz, 20-23.02.2003.
2002. The Kanun in the City: Albanian Customary Law as a Habitus and Its Persistence in the Suburb of Tirana, Bathore. Paper presented in the Max Plack Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale, 28.10.2002. This presentation has been published.
2002. The Practice of the Internet in Albania. Paper presented in the workshop „Modern Orality: Anthropological Perspectives on the Multimedial Present“ (Convenors: Ingo W. Schröder and Stéphane Voell) on the occasion of the conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) in Copenhagen, 14-17.08.2002.
2024. Bergkarabach: Aufgegeben und Aufgelöst. Blogbeitrag in Wissenschaft & Frieden.
2023. Identity and Traditional Law in Albania and Georgia. In: Iona Aminian Jazi & Thede Kahl (eds.) Ethno-Cultural Diversity in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 159-176. [Based on a conference held in Vienna in 2014].
2022 [review]. Darieva, Tsypylma , Florian Mühlfried & Kevin Tuite (eds.) Sacred places, emerging spaces: religious pluralism in the post-Soviet Caucasus. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28, 1.
2021. Orientierungslos in den Bergen? Die Europäische Union und der Südkaukasus. Zeitschrift für angewandte Politikwissenschaft 11, 33-36.
2020 [review]. Nutsa Batiashvili: the Bivocal Nation: Memory and Identity on the Edge of Empire. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. E-International Relations.
2019 [review]. Eva-Maria Auch (eds.) Deutsche im Multikulturellen Umfeld Südkaukasiens. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 2019 (1), 4-7.
2018. Prologue to a Restoration Foretold: Negotiating Heritage in a Former German Village in Georgia, with Elke Kamm. Caucasus Survey 6 (2), 113-129.
2016. The Battle of Shashviani: Inscriptions into Constested Spaces. In: Stéphane Voell (ed.) Traditional Law in the Caucasus: Local Legal Practices in the Georgian Lowlands. Marburg: Curupira, 205-243.
2016. Traditional Law as Social Practice and Cultural Narratives: Introduction, togehter with Natia Jalabadze, Lavrenti Jashiashvili and Elke Kamm. In: Stéphane Voell (ed.) Traditional Law in the Caucasus: Local Legal Practices in the Georgian Lowlands. Marburg: Curupira, 11-82.
2016. (ed.) Traditional Law in the Caucasus: Local Legal Practices in the Georgian Lowlands. Marburg: Curupira.
2015. Pluralism, Tradition and Perspectives on the State in the Caucasus: Introduction, with Iwona Kaliszewska. In: Stéphane Voell & Iwona Kaliszewska (eds.) State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus: Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics. Farnham: Ashgate, 1-23.
2015. Moral Breakdown among the Georgian Svans: a Car Accident Mediated between Traditional and State Law. In: Stéphane Voell & Iwona Kaliszewska (eds.) State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus: Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics. Farnham: Ashgate, 95-111.
2015. (ed. with Iwona Kaliszewska) State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus: Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics. Farnham: Ashgate. [Reviews by Annamária Kiss in Caucasus Survey, by Andrea Weiss in Anthropos, by Stéphen Huard in The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law]
2014. Identity and Traditional Law: Local Legal Conceptions in Svan Villages (Georgia), with Natia Jalabadze, Lavrenti Jashiashvili and Elke Kamm. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 23 (2), 98-118.
2013. Going Beyond Essentialism: Introduction. In: Stéphane Voell & Ketevan Khutishvili (eds.) Caucasus, Conflict, Culture: Anthropological Perspectives on Times of Crisis. Marburg: Curupira, 13-36.
2013. (ed. with Ketevan Khutsishvili) Caucasus, Conflict, Culture: Anthropological Perspectives on Times of Crisis. Marburg: Curupira. [Reviews by Kevin Tuite in Caucasus Survey, by Zaur Gasimov in Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas].
2013. Oath of Memory: The Taking of Oaths on Icons in Svan Villages of Southern Georgia. Iran and the Caucasus 17 (2), 153-169.
2012. Local Legal Conceptions in Svan Villages in the Lowlands. Caucasus Analytical Digest 42, 2-4.
2012. (ed.) Traditional Law in Georgia. Caucasus Analytical Digest 42.
2012. The Smiling Daughters': Traditional Clan-structures and Customary Law in Postsocialist Albania. In: Andreas Hemming, Gentiana Kera & Enriketa Pandelejmoni (eds.) Albania: Family, Society and Culture in the 20th Century. Münster: Lit, 147-162.
2011. The Kanun in the Ethnographic Self-Description: Research into Albanian Traditional Law during Socialism. In: Ulf Brunnbauer, Claudia Kraft & Martin Schulze Wessel (eds.) Sociology and Ethnography in East-Central and South-East Europe: Scientific Self-Description in State Socialist Countries. München: Oldenbourg, 278-294.
2010 [report]. Caucasian Places: Transformations in Capital Cities. Workshop, Tiflis/Georgien, 22./23. September 2009. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde 106: 86-88
2010 [review]. Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von/Fernanda Pirie (eds.): Order and Disorder: Anthropological Perspectives. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books. Anthropos 105, 1: 264-266.
2009 [review]. Kretsi, Georgia 2007. Verfolgung und Gedächtnis in Albanien: Eine Analyse postsozialistischer Erinnerungsstrategien. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 45, 1: 148-149.
2009. Wahre Ehre? Über "gute" und "schlechte" Morde. Journal Ethnologie, Schwerpunktthema "Ehre und Schande"
2007 [review]. Benda-Beckmann, Franz und Keebet von/Melanie G. Wiber (Hg.): Changing Properties of Property. 367 S., New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2006. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 132, 2: 315-317.
2006. Ethnologie und Globalisierung: Wie die Globalisierung das nordalbanische Gewohnheitsrecht rettet. In: Journal Ethnologie, Schwerpunktthema "Ethnologie und Globalisierung"
2004. Das Nordalbanische Gewohnheitsrecht und seine mündliche Dimension. Marburg: Curupira.
2003. The Kanun in the City: Albanian Customary Law as a Habitus and its Persistence in the Suburb of Tirana, Bathore. Anthropos 98 (1), 85-101.
2002. (ed. with Ingo W. Schröder) Moderne Oralität: Ethnologische Perspektiven auf die plurimediale Gegenwart. Marburg: Curupira.
2002. Moderne Oralität: Einleitung. Kommunikationsverhältnisse an der Jahrtausendwende. In: Ingo W. Schröder & Stéphane Voell (eds.) Moderne Oralität: Ethnologische Perspektiven auf die plurimediale Gegenwart. Marburg: Curupira, 11-49.
2002. Eine Anthropologie des Ortes. Annäherung an die Bedeutung des marokkanischen Souks. In: Ulrike Krasberg & Bettina E. Schmidt (eds.) Stadt in Stücken. Marburg: Curupira, 189-204
2001. (ed.) "... ohne Museum geht es nicht." Die Völkerkundliche Sammlung der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Marburg: Curupira.
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