
Wintersemester 2023/2024

Das Zentrumskolloqium findet in diesem Sommersemester organisiert von Miquel Pellicer und Nils Strecker statt. Wir laden herzlichst zu den Vorträgen und anschließenden Diskussionen in den Dekanats-Saal Ketzerbach 63, +2/0140 ein.

Die Termine und Vortragsthemen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Programm.

23.10.2023 Tijana Karić (Marburg)
Conceptualizing Reconciliation in the Post-conflict Context of Bosnia and
Herzegovina: a Q-Methodological Study

Julie Bernath (Swisspeace, CH)
Justice Resisted? The Politics of Transitional Justice in Cambodia

Susanne Buckley-Zistel (Marburg)
Memory and Justice


Mirko Heinzel (LSE, UK)
International Bureaucrats and the Design of World Bank Projects

Fredrick Ogenga (Rongo University, KEN)
Conceiving a Super Structure for Peace: a Critical Review of the Status of Global AI for Peace


Tareq Sydiq (Marburg)
Postcolonial Security Regimes and Civil Society: the FCR in Pakistan

Miquel Pellicer (Marburg)
The Citizen Side of Clientelism


Adrian Rothers (Marburg)
The Poles in Polarization: Different Antagonisms in the Political Party Landscape

Oxana Karnaukhova (Southern Federal University, RU)
The Narrative of Strategic Sovereignty in European Foreign Policy: the Regain of a Concept


Laura Holderied (Gießen)
Border Struggles, Human Rights and a Changing Politics of Showing and Seeing in the European Border Regime

Letícia Barbabela and Nils Strecker (Marburg)
Political Inequality at the Local Level