
Wintersemester 2024/2025 (Winter Term 2024/2025)

Zentrum für Konfliktforschung

The Center Colloquium takes place several times a semester and is a regular meeting point for the CCS staff. However, the Center Colloquium welcomes not only faculty members but also students enrolled in the CCS’ Master’s degree programmes and interested colleagues from the university.

Typically, each session includes two lectures in English, each lasting 15-20 minutes, followed by a discussion. The colloquium takes place every Monday from 12:00-14:00 s.t. in room +2/0140 at Ketzerbach 63, which is the meeting room of the Dean's Office in Department 03.

Poster of the Center Colloquium.

  • 28.10.2024

    AFPRO team under Tareq Sydiq (University of Marburg, CCS)
    Protest Movements in Afghanistan's Transition Phases: from Uprising to Rebel Consolidation (2016-2026)

    José Salguero (University of Marburg, FB03)
    Elite Power and Security Governance: the Role of El Salvador's Private Sector in Shaping Postwar Public Security Strategies

  • 04.11.2024

    Bronwyn Winch (RMIT University, Melbourne)
    The Debts of the Ancestors are Paid by their Children: a Cosmological Framing of Unresolved Crimes and Grievances in Timor-Leste

    Laura Barrios Sabogal (Goethe University Frankfurt, PRIF)
    Do wo(men) Support Reintegration of Former Combatants? Insights from the Colombian Peace Process

  • 09.12.2024

    Maria Hartmann (University of Marburg, CCS, MeDiMi)
    Towards New Alliances? On Transnationalising Dictatorship Experience in the Post-Migration Society

    Mina Ibrahim (University of Marburg, CCS)
    "300 Fragen und 100 Stunden": Three Scenarios for an Ethnographic Archive of Migration in Germany

  • 13.01.2025

    Rirhandu Mageza-Barthel (University of South Africa)
    Peace Translations: on the Politics of Development and Difference

    Pia Falschebner (University of Marburg, CCS)
    Struggling for (Transitional) Justic: Trajecories of Victim Mobilisation in Morocco

  • 10.02.2025

    Dynamics of Security team under Aidan Gnoth, Philipp Lottholz, Thorsten Bonacker (University of Marburg, CCS)
    Researching and Translating (De-) Securitisation in United Nations Trusteeship Governance

This winter term, the colloquium is organised by Letícia Barbabela and Violette Mens.