Writing Lab – Techniques for Developing a Writing Flow
09. Oktober 2010 10:30 – 09. Oktober 2010 14:45
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Philipps-Universität Marburg, MARA, F|05, Deutschhausstraße 11+13, 1st floor, seminar room 01.0010
Are you working on your PhD thesis or a science paper? Do you sometimes struggle with starting the writing process? In this workshop, you will learn more about strategies for developing a writing flow in order to apply them to your own writing process.
It is easier to activate and maintain a writing flow if you know which method of argumentation you are using in your text. However, in some writing situations, it is more helpful for writers to develop their ideas freely, without any restrictions (e.g., academic language or rhetorical argumentation patterns).
In this workshop, you will come to know more about strategies to develop a writing flow and apply them to your own academic writing process. Furthermore, you will learn to reflect on your own writing process in order to consciously choose an appropriate writing strategy for a given writing situation.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- You have learned strategies to activate your writing flow (presentation, group work).
- You are able to reflect on your current writing situation and choose a suitable writing strategy that will enable you to successfully continue your writing process (individual work, group work).
You should have started the writing process of your PhD thesis.
We especially invite our international doctoral candidates to participate in this course. Please note that this is not an English language course. Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency is required.
October 9, 2015, 10:30 am–2:45 pm
Target group
Doctoral candidates from all disciplines
Maximum number of 12 participants
Free of charge
Until 14 days before the beginning of the course at mara.lnw@uni-marburg.de.
Registration is binding. In case of non-appearance without reason or cancellation twelve days beforehand, the full registration fee has to be payed.

Dr. Melanie Brinkschulte
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Doctoral Program for Life and Natural Sciences