EMF - Writing Grant Proposals in Science
This one-day-workshop communicates proven grant application knowledge. It shows how strategic initial considerations naturally lead to a sound proposal.
01. Dezember 2018 09:00 – 01. Dezember 2018 17:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Philipps-Universität Marburg, MARA, F|05, Deutschhausstr. 11+13, 1. OG, Seminar room 01.0010
Good projects need money in order to be put into practice. Academic research can only be performed with financial support through
third-party funding. Thus, the securing of sources of financial support— whether classic science-funding organisations, foundations
or companies—is an important task for scientists. However, for many early-career scientists writing grant applications is difficult and
seems overwhelming.
Although there is no guaranteed path to be successful in grant applications, the methods and instruments of writing proposals can be
learnt. A prerequisite is an attractive project concept. If a convincingly formulated application is then submitted, the chances of
success are good.
The workshop communicates proven grant application knowledge. It conveys the logic structure of a grant proposal and shows how
strategic initial considerations regarding style, argumentation and form lead to a sound proposal.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- You know about quality criteria of grant proposals from the reviewers perspective.
- You are able to strategically structure your proposal writing activities.
- You know about the logic of a grant proposal and will be able to structure it in a meaningful, convincing way.
- You are able to convincingly formulate your project idea and convey your project concept.
- You have your personal strategy for the next grant proposal.
Didactic Methods
Presentation by trainer, group work, individual exercises, writing practice
Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency is required.
December 1, 2018, 9 am–5 pm
Target group
Doctoral candidates and postdocs from all disciplines
Maximum number of 12 participants
Internal 25 EUR
External 75 EUR

This workshop is part of the certifying program "Designing and Managing Research Projects" (EMF).
Please register via AnWeiVe.
Deadline November 16, 2018
Please note that your registration is binding. You may cancel your registration up to twelve days before the beginning of the course without providing specific reasons. Thereafter, you will be required to pay the attendance fee even if you do not attend the course.
Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb, www.coachademics.de
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Postdoctoral Program