EMF – Applying for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Event in Presence
During this event you will receive information about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships, which provide postdoctoral researchers with complementary professional skills for their future careers through the implementation of a personalised research project.
25. Juli 2022 13:00 – 25. Juli 2022 15:30
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Philipps-Universität Marburg, MARA, F|05, Deutschhausstraße 11+13, Seminar room 01.0010
Are you interested in applying for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship? Or would you like to get more information about this funding opportunity?
In this workshop, we will provide you with detailed information about the funding as well as the application process. The following questions will be addressed: What are the eligibility criteria, budget and application deadlines? How does the proposal look like? What are the evaluation criteria? After giving an overlook, we will go more into details of the grant writing and will discuss the dos and don’ts.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Briefly, after the workshop you:
- Are aware of application requirements, offerings and deadlines, and
- Know how to write a successful application for MSCA-PF.
Didactic Methods
Presentations, Q&A sessions
July 25, 2022, 1 pm–3:30 pm
Target group
Postdocs and doctoral candidates of all disciplines
Maximum number of 12 participants
Free of charge

This event is part of the certifying program "Designing and Managing Research Projects" (EMF).
Please register via the external database AnWeiVe until July 11, 2022.
Dr. Corinna Felsch
(EU Liaison Officer of Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Johanna Toivonen de Gonzales
(Research funding unit, University of Turku)
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Postdoctoral Program