  • Hessische Verwaltung für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation


Publikationen aus dem Marburg Open Forest


Bengel, P. T., & Peter, C. (2023). Technology in nature—MDGBL as a successful approach to promote complex contents? Sustainability, 15(1), 633. https://​doi.​org/​10.​3390/​su150​10633​

Masello, J. F., Rast, W., Schumm, Y., Metzger, B., & Quillfeldt, P. (2023). Year-round behavioural time budgets of common woodpigeons in-ferred from acceleration data using machine learning. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77, 40. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​s0026​5-23-​03306​-​w

Mielke Möglich, J., Lampe, P., Fickus, M., Younis, S., Gottwald, J., Nauss, T., Brandl, R., Brändle, M., Friess, N., Freisleben, B., & Heidrich, L. (2023). Towards reliable estimates of abundance trends using automated non-lethal moth traps. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 16(5), 539–549. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1111/​icad.​12662

Noskov, A., Achilles, S., & Bendix, J. (2023). Toward forest dynamics' systematic knowledge: Concept study of a multi-sensor visually tracked rover including a new insect radar for high-accuracy robotic monitoring. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 1–17. https://​doi.org/​10.​3389/​fevo.​2023.​1214419

Zeuss, D., Bald, L., Gottwald, J., Becker, M., Bellafkir, H., Bendix, J., Bengel, P., Beumer, L., Brandl, R., Brändle, M., Dahlke, S., Farwig, N., Freisleben, B., Friess, N., Heidrich, L., Heuer, S., Höchst, J., Holzmann, H., Lampe, P., Leberecht, M., Lindner, K., Masello, J., Mielke Möglich, J., Mühling, M., Müller, T., Noskov, A., Opgenoorth, L., Peter, C., Quillfeldt, P., Rösner, S., Royauté, R., Runge, C., Schabo, D., Schneider, D., Seeger, B., Shayle, E., Steinmetz, R., Tafo, P., Vogelbacher, M., Wöllauer, S., Younis, S., Zobel, J. & Nauss, T. (2023). Nature 4.0: A networked sensor system for integrated biodiversity monitoring. Global Change Biology . https://doi.org/10.1111/GCB.17056


Asgharinia, S., Leberecht, M., Belelli Marchesini, L., Friess, N., Gianelle, D., Nauss, T., Opgenoorth, L., Yates, J., & Valentini, R. (2022). Towards continuous stem water content and sap flux density monitoring: IoT-based solution for detecting changes in stem water dynamics. Forests, 13(7), 1040. https://​d oi.​org/​10.​3 390/f1307​1040

Bellafkir, H., Vogelbacher, M., Gottwald, J., Mühling, M., Korfhage, N., Lampe, P., Frieß, N., Nauss, T., & Freisleben, B. (2022). Bat echo-location call detection and species recognition by transformers with self-attention. In A. Bennour, T. Ensari, Y. Kessentini, & S. Eom (Eds.), Intelligent systems and pattern recognition (Vol. 1589, pp. 189–203). Springer Nature. https://​d oi.​org/​10.​1007/​978-​3-031-​0 8277​-​1_​16

Gottwald, J., Royauté, R., Becker, M., Geitz, T., Höchst, J., Lampe, P., Leister, L., Lindner, K., Maier, J., Rösner, S., Schabo, D. G., Freisleben, B., Brandl, R., Müller, T., Farwig, N., & Nauss, T. (2022). Classifying the activity states of small vertebrates using automated VHF telemetry. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(1), 252–264. https://doi.​org/​10.​1111/​2041-​210X.​14037

Höchst, J., Bellafkir, H., Lampe, P., Vogelbacher, M., Mühling, M., Schneider, D., Lindner, K., Rösner, S., Schabo, D. G., Farwig, N., & Freisleben, B. (2022). Bird@edge: Bird species recognition at the edge. In M.-A. Koulali & M. Mezini (Eds.), Networked systems (Vol. 13464, pp. 69–86). Springer. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​978-​3-​031-17436​-​0_​6


Gottwald, J., Lampe, P., Höchst, J., Friess, N., Maier, J., Leister, L., Neumann, B., Richter, T., Freisleben, B., & Nauss, T. (2021). BatRack: An open-source multi-sensor device for wildlife research. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(10), 1867–1874. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13672

Höchst, J., Gottwald, J., Lampe, P., Zobel, J., Nauss, T., Steinmetz, R., & Freisleben, B. (2021). tRackIT OS: Open-source software for reliable VHF wildlife tracking. Informatik, 2021, 425–442. https://​doi.org/​10.​18420/​​ INFOR​MATIK​2021-​035

Noskov, A., Achilles, S., & Bendix, J. (2021). Presence and biomass infor-mation extraction from highly uncertain data of an experimental low-range insect radar setup. Diversity, 13(9), 452. https://​doi.​org/10.​3390/​d1309​0 452

Noskov, A., Bendix, J., & Friess, N. (2021). A review of insect monitoring approaches with special reference to radar techniques. Sensors, 21(4), 1474. https://​doi.​org/​10.​3390/​s2104​1474​

Zobel, J., Frommelt, P., Lieser, P., Höchst, J., Lampe, P., Freisleben, B., & Steinmetz, R. (2021). Energy-efficient mobile sensor data offloading via WiFi using LoRa-based connectivity estimations. Informatik 2021. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn. https://​doi.​org/​10.​18420/INFOR​MATIK​2021-​037


Egli, S. & Höpke, M. (2020). CNN-Based Tree Species Classification Using High Resolution RGB Image Data from Automated UAV Observations. Remote Sensing, 12(23), 3892. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12233892


Gottwald, J., Zeidler, R., Friess, N., Ludwig, M., Reudenbach, C., & Nauss, T. (2019). Introduction of an automatic and open-source radio-tracking system for small animals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(12), 2163–2172. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1111/​2041-​210X.13294​
