
Guest lecture by DAVIF-fellow Dr. Tim van der Heijden "Approaches to Media Heritage: From Hands-On Enquiry to Immersive 3D


11. Juni 2024 18:15
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Raum -A102 (-1/1020, Gelber Salon), Deutschhausstraße 3, 35037 Marburg

Guest lecture by DAVIF-fellow Dr. Tim van der Heijden

 "Approaches to Media Heritage: From Hands-On Enquiry to Immersive 3D

11.06.24, 18 Uhr c.t.
Raum -A102 (-1/1020, Gelber Salon), Deutschhausstraße 3, 35037 Marburg

How can we document analogue media technologies, like historical film
technologies, and the tacit knowledge involved in their practices of
use? What role can digital technologies – like 3D and 360-degree
photography – play in preserving media heritage? Dr. Tim van der
Heijden (Open Universityof the Netherlands) discusses these questions
while reflecting on the CRAFTED-DEMA dataset recently published on the
Europeana platform of digital cultural heritage and the associated
research projects he was involved in. The lecture will zoom in on the
value of digitization and documentation for doing hands-on media
history in the digital age. Specifically, it will highlight research
on the Kinora motion photography viewer (ca. 1907) and Pathé Baby
9.5mm film projector (ca. 1924) as early twentieth century home cinema
devices and attempts to "re-animate" these mediahistorical artefacts,
their functionality and user practices through digital storytelling
methods invirtual yet multi-sensorial ways.

Dr. Tim van der Heijden is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of
Humanities at the Open University of the Netherlands. He is currently
a research fellow of the BMBF research group DAVIF at the Institute of
Media Studies at Philipps-Universität Marburg.

The flyer can be found here.

