
Buchvorstellung "Russia, China and the Revisionist Assault on the Western Liberal International Order" von Gerlinde Groitl

Der Sonderforschungsbereich "Dynamiken der Sicherheit" lädt zum virtuellen Book Launch von Gerlinde Groitls Monografie "Russia, China and the Revisionist Assault on the Western Liberal International Order" ein.


28. Mai 2024 18:30 – 28. Mai 2024 19:30
Termin herunterladen (.ics)


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 Über das Buch

Gerlinde Groitl’s book analyzes Russian and Chinese revisionism in the face of US and Western post-Cold War liberal international order building and asks why both powers have turned revisionist in the late 2000s.  It develops a neoclassical realist model of international order building and contestation and posits to view revisionism as a strategic choice. States go revisionist if the status quo international order threatens their vital security needs and if they have the means to challenge the undesirable status quo. Russia and China were both unhappy with the post-Cold War international order of American designs, but had to opt for accommodation in the 1990s and early 2000s, before revisionism became even more of a necessity and a real policy option from the late 2000s onward. In her book Groitl calls for a policy of neo-containment to counter Moscow’s and Beijing’s efforts to game and erode the international order.


Autorin: Gerlinde Groitl
Moderation: Tim Salzer
Kommentare von Hubert Zimmermann und Lisa-Marie Geltinger

