"Get that Job! Applying and Interviewing for Jobs in English"
Lecture in presence for students of all faculties; Lecture language: English
17. Juni 2025 09:30 – 17. Juni 2025 11:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Biegenstraße 12, 35037 Marburg, Senatssitzungssaal 003
Are you considering career opportunities with internationally orientated firms and institutions? Then you may need to submit application materials and participate in interviews in English. That is where this lecture is meant to help. Its goal is to highlight dos and don’ts regarding the curriculum vitae and cover letter and to provide insights into presenting yourself convincingly in the English-language interview. The lecture will be held in English, and any questions you may have are certainly welcome both during and after the talk.
Via the learning platform ILIAS: https://ilias.uni-marburg.de/goto.php?target=cat_4215864&client_id=UNIMR - there you can see the event program provided by the Career Service in the summer semester 2025. Please register bindingly for your selected dates.
You will receive a reminder email a few days before the event.
In addition to the lecture „Get that Job! Applying and Interviewing for Jobs in English“ we offer a „Check of Your English-Language CV and/or Cover Letter“ with Andrew Cerniski on Tuesday, 17.06.2025 between 12:00 and 16:00. Please note: There are only a limited number of eight consultation appointments available, which we will allocate according to availability.
The check provides feedback on strengths of your English-language CV and/or cover letter and on aspects which might be further developed or refined. Potential areas of focus include:
- Strengthening overall impact by choice and structure of content
- Highlighting relevant skills
- Enhancing descriptions of experience
- Matters of formatting
Procedure and appointments:
Appointments for the Check of Your English-Language CV and/or Cover Letter are made individually. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to the Career Service of Philipps-Universität Marburg: careerservice@uni-marburg.de. You will then be given an appointment on Tuesday, 17.06.2025 between 12:00 and 16:00.
A single appointment lasts 20 minutes. The appointments take place at the offices of the Central General Student Advisory Service (ZAS): Biegenstraße 10, 35037 Marburg.
Note: For a check of your German-language application documents, you can make an appointment with an employee of the Career Service throughout the year. Please also use the following e-mail address to contact us: careerservice@uni-marburg.de. We will also be available on Tuesday, 17.06.2025 between 12:00 and 16:00 for brief, spontaneous (no appointment required) inquiries about your German-language application documents.
The event is free of charge.
For over 15 years Andrew Cerniski has been providing specialized support for university students who are applying for internships and jobs in English. Since 2002 he has managed English, Inc. (www.english-inc.de), a Heidelberg-based provider of Business English training solutions for firms.
Career Service der Zentralen Allgemeinen Studienberatung
Career Service der Zentralen Allgemeinen Studienberatung (ZAS)
Mail: careerservice@uni-marburg.de
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Dezernat III - Studium und Lehre
Biegenstraße 10
35032 Marburg