Identify strengths, unlock potential, and explore your job opportunities
Online-Workshop for students of all faculties; Workshop language: English
22. Mai 2025 09:00 – 22. Mai 2025 13:30
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Please note: Self-guided preparation (approx. 3 hours) in the Moodle learning space – May 6–11, 2025 - you will receive an individual login.
It is not always easy to make a decision about a future professional activity. Often it is because you are unable to describe your own professional profile and do not know your personal potential.
In the workshop you will create an overall profile of your career-relevant competences. To this end, you work out the first results in advance, using various exercises (work time approx. 3 hours) - these form the basis for further work during the workshop.
Together we clarify specific specialist and interdisciplinary competencies and you create an overall profile of your skills; we also work with the Future-Skills model to ensure connection to the VUCA working world.
This makes it easier for you to decide what should be the next step: job, study or another type of further qualification.
As an international student you can use your international background as an advantage - by looking for employers that can use your specific language skills and your local expertise for their business in Germany.
Tips and advice on the development of a career strategy conclude the workshop.
In the workshop we focus on the following topics:
- my expert skills
- my core competencies
- my future skills
- overall profile - and how to promote it
- how to develop a career strategy
- my options, next steps
In active exercises with feedback, you will learn to create an overall profile.
It is necessary that you use your results from the preparation phase for the practical exercises in the workshop.
- To participate you need a laptop or computer with audio / video function (microphone and camera). You also need a stable internet connection.
- You will receive an individual login code for the moodle course room for the workshop on 5 days prior to the online attendance date latest
- Preparation phase - prerequisite for participation: approx. 3 hours, on your own time: in the moodle course room you will find materials and tasks to prepare.
- If necessary, these tasks are supervised by the trainer.
Via the learning platform ILIAS: https://ilias.uni-marburg.de/goto.php?target=cat_4215864&client_id=UNIMR - there you can see the event program provided by the Career Service in the summer semester 2025. Please register bindingly for your selected dates.
You will receive a reminder email a few days before the event - in the case of online events, the link to the video conference room will be attached.
The event is free of charge.
Dr. Eva Reichmann
Career Service der Zentralen Allgemeinen Studienberatung
Career Service der Zentralen Allgemeinen Studienberatung (ZAS)
Mail: careerservice@uni-marburg.de
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Dezernat III - Studium und Lehre
Biegenstraße 10
35032 Marburg