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Internship with an impact

Online-Workshop für Studierende aller Fachbereiche (Workshop language: English )


20. November 2024 16:00 – 20. November 2024 18:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)



An internship is an excellent opportunity to try out a career field, build skills, and potentially become employed at a company full-time after graduation. Don't simply state, “I'm hoping to fulfill my requirement for my studies.” - chose your internship strategically and wisely, so that you benefit from it for your further plans for your future.

But internships offer all sorts of benefits: The experience of an internship can make you comfortable and confident in a work environment, but you won't get all those benefits if you're just showing up and counting down the days until your internship is over.

The workshop will prepare you for making the most of your internship experience and keep the focus on your whole career, not just an initial job placement.

We will cover all necessary steps, e.g. how to search for internships, choosing the field or the employer, applying for the internship - and evaluating your experience afterwards.

The talk will be interactive, with short „calls to action“.


Über die Lernplattform ILIAS.

To register, please log in to ILIAS and then follow the path below: Magazin - Einstiegsseite → Career Service → WiSe 2024/2025. There you can view our entire range of workshops for the semester and register.  A few days before the event you will receive a participation reminder by email and the link to the zoom room of the trainer.


  • Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei.
  • Sollten Sie aufgrund einer Behinderung oder chronischen Erkrankung Unterstützung benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte im Vorfeld des Workshops an uns.
  • Entstehen durch die Teilnahme an dienstlichen Fortbildungsmaßnahmen unvermeidliche Kosten für die Betreuung von Kindern unter 15 Jahren oder von nach ärztlichem Zeugnis pflegebedürftigen Angehörigen, so werden diese erstattet (HGIG, § 12, Abs. 4)


Dr. Eva Reichmann
