#TravelToTeach3 - Learning and Teaching Abroad

An international virtual event series organized for you!
Everyone is welcome - you can join a lecture by just entering our BigBlueButton room and sign up for a workshop via the link provided in each description.
Lectures take place Tuesday evening from 6-7:30pm (CET) and workshops Friday afternoon from 1-5pm (CET), unless stated otherwise.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 01.11.2022: Creating a gender-sensitive curriculum (lecture)
Maria Helena Esteves, PhD
Lecturer at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
The focus of the lecture will be on gender in teaching, within the scope of the 2030 Agenda, particularly Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education and Sustainable Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality. Gender inequality is present in different areas of society, and education has an important role in addressing these issues. Relevant research will be presented demonstrating how raising gender awareness is important in classroom activities and can be done in most school subjects. We will use contributions from participants to promote collaborative reflexion bringing together different school subjects.
When and where? 6-7:30pm, join us in BigBlueButtonInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 04.11.2022: Learning through service projects (workshop)
Foundation Learning through Civic Engagement
Service-Learning is an educational approach which combines formal learning with meaningful civic engagement. The combination of learning and civic engagement reflects two core goals of Service-Learning: strengthening democracy through changing learning culture. Service-Learning is suitable for all school types, age groups, and subjects and can be adapted to a variety of educational concepts and backgrounds.
Designing a playground according to children´s needs, rehabilitating public grounds for bees and insects, or run awareness campaigns on voting rights – Service-Learning projects help to bring about positive change for all, contribute to increased motivation for investing oneself in society – and help to achieve the learning goals of the curriculum.
In this workshop, teachers experienced in Service-Learning and experts will introduce participants to the concept, provide insights into practical examples from their own schools, and guide students through the process of developing their own service project as a teacher. The workshop will be facilitated by the Foundation Learning through Civic Engagement, which serves as one of the main organizations in Germany to support teachers in this area and cooperates with similar initiatives in other European countries.
When and where? 1:30-5:30pm, BigBlueButtonInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 08.11.2022: What is hidden in the hidden curriculum – how do schools operate on the latent level? (lecture)
Prof. AMU dr hab. Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska
Professor at the Institute of Education, AMU, Poznan, Poland
During the lecture, the category of the hidden curriculum will be explained. Moreover, we will discuss how hidden curriculum is related to the process of learning. We will be also looking for the answer to the question of what is hidden in the school architecture and space. What do the school textbooks hide and what do they want to tell us? How can the hidden curriculum create role models (e.g. gender roles)? We will also try to uncover the hidden curricula in our past schools.
When and where? 6-7:30pm, join us in BigBlueButtonInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 11.11.2022: Anti-bias training for teachers (workshop)
Nele Kontzi and Cvetka Bovha
anti-bias.netz.org, Germany
In this workshop, students will explore how (un-)conscious attitudes towards diversity can impact on school settings and explore ways to role-model and address related dynamics in their classroom as future teachers.
Diversity may take many forms - obvious ones such as color, dialect or wealth, or more subtle ones like different opinions on deep-seated aspects of life. Sometimes we are aware of our attitude towards difference, sometimes our notions are hidden to ourselves, and they can be positive, negative, or neutral. Being aware of our own categories in navigating life is a crucial first step in allowing for encounters that enable us to see and value diversity. Bias is embedded as well in structures and with that also in schools and has effects on learning and living together.
In this workshop facilitated by two trainers experienced in the anti-bias approach, students will have the opportunity to reflect upon their societal imprint and experiences with diversity, in exchange with students from other countries and cultures. They will learn about ways diversity may impact group dynamics in class and explore practical ways how they, as a teacher, can contribute to build appreciative and integrative school communities (with the students).
When and where? 1-5pm, join us in BigBlueButtonInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 15.11.2022: Talking social justice – conversations that matter (6:30-8:00 pm, lecture)
Sydney Chaffee
Teacher of the Year 2017, Massachusetts, USA
Education can be a transformative tool to work towards social justice. In a world where our students regularly experience injustice, teachers play a critical role: helping young people build skills to be active citizens and work to create a more just and equitable society. In this talk, Sydney explains why teaching is a political act and encourages teachers to see themselves as facilitators of students' activism.
When and where? 6:30-8pm, join us in BigBlueButtonInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 25.11.2022: World Café – get connected and exchange experiences! (1:30-4:30 pm, workshop)
Wiebke Nierste
JLU Giessen, Germany
The basic idea of the "World Café" is to bring learners or participants into conversation with each other and thus to be able to intensively discuss and reflect on problems or questions in small groups. This World Café is supposed to provide a safe space for student teachers to exchange personal experiences related to school and university studies and to learn more about different approaches as well as ideas in education around the world.
Please register with Kassandra.Rink@admin.uni-giessen.de until November 18, 08:00 am (CET)
Please include information on
- Mr/Ms/no answer + your name
- your home university
- your course of study
- your home country
- your email address
On November 18, you will receive a brief task that we ask you to complete before the World Café on November 25. Completion of the task is the basis for participation in the World Café.
Any other organisational questions can be directed to Kassandra.Rink@admin.uni-giessen.de
When and where? 1:30-4:30pm, if you have signed up, you will receive the link on November 18.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 29.11.2022: Gamification in service of formative learning assessment – a tool (lecture)
Carolina Micaela Costeira e Pereira
Lecturer at the Institute of Education, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
During this lecture, we will both learn the use of and experiment with a tool that contributes to formative learning assessment by creating a gaming environment.
This activity emerged within an intervention project aiming to promote the use of digital technologies in primary schools of a municipality. The project was designed from a framework based on the principles of contextualized in-service learning and professional development environments.
When and where? 6-7:30pm, join us in BigBlueButton
If you can, please join us from your laptop, so that you can take part in the practical activities!Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 06.12.2022: Crossing racialized borders: The impact on the education of immigrant children in theUnited States and South Africa (lecture)
Bekisizwe S. Ndimande, Ph.D.
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Professor of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality Studies
College of Education and Human Development, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas, USA
This presentation discusses the experiences of immigrant communities who cross racial borders in South Africa and in the United States. Research shows that refugees and immigrant families around the world have encountered various challenges in their country of destination and/or newly adopted countries, including the challenges of education access for their children (Olneck, 1995; Olsen, 1997; Taylor & Whittaker, 2003; Gershberg, et al, 2004, Sookrajh, et al, 2005).
This paper argues that most such challenges disproportionately face minoritized immigrants and their children. First, I discuss the struggles of minoritized immigrants in post-apartheid South Africa including the challenges of xenophobia in that country. Second, I discuss the recent challenges faced by immigrants from Latin America in the United States. In both contexts I underscore the oppressive environment they encounter, including the struggles to access education for their children. I argue that the national education systems of both countries have not done sufficiently to help immigrant children towards achieving equal educational opportunities in their new environment.
When and where? 6-7:30pm, join us in BigBlueButtonInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 13.12.2022: International Quiz Night – Winter Edition
An international Quiz Night organized by students for students!
There is no need to sign up - just join on the evening and you will be teamed up with students from other universities. The more, the merrier!
More information coming soon.