#TravelToTeach - Lernen und Lehren im Ausland

Eine virtuelle Vorlesungsreihe organisiert für EUCH zu den verschiedensten Themen im Bereich der internationalen Lehre und der interkulturellen Kompetenzen, mit Vortragenden aus sechs verschiedenen Ländern!
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Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 26.10. Toward glocality: Bridging the global and the local through culturally relevant international engagement in education
Kenneth Varner, PhD
Associate Professor of Literacy Education an der University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Some have argued that the world is flat, but this flat world argument does not sufficiently nuance the tensions between global landscapes and local realities. The preparation of educators, from a transnational perspective, faces a set of common problems experienced worldwide while simultaneously lived in highly localized ways. At the sime time a pervasive discourse of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP) significantly influences the preparation literature over the past 20 years with little change in outcomes for marginalized learners.
In this keynote Varner outlines some of the common complexities to argue for a framework of glocality centered on addressing the limitations of CRP as we know it. In the talk Varner presents data and experiences from a longitudinal educator preparation exchange program between the US and Chile to demonstrate the value of glocality for 21st century educational engagement.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 09.11. Initial Teacher Education in Portugal
Maria Helena Esteves, PhD
Dozentin am Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) an der Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Helena Esteves will give a brief overview of the Portuguese educational system and how you enter the profession according to Portuguese legislation – different cycles of education (kindergarten, basic and secondary) have different programmes of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in different types of Higher Education institutions.
Learning to be a teacher requires scientific and pedagogical knowledge but school practice is also important. We will discuss various topics, such as: how does the Portuguese model compare to yours? What is more important in ITE – theoretical knowledge or practical training? When you start teaching, which are the most important challenges you have to deal with? Can you really learn to be/become a teacher in ITE?Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 16.11. Open Educational Resources in Teacher Training: Examples from the DiGEO project (Germany/Austria)
Dr. Thomas Jekel
Dozent am Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung der Universität Wien
The presentation gives an overview of concepts and evaluation of Open Educational Ressources. Examples are drawn from OER's that have been developed in a peer-teaching setting to support and measure reflexivity in teacher trainees regarding Geomedia. A hands-on session guides through the first translated OER's availlable.
The discussed OERs can be found here and accessed using a guest account:
Space and Structure
GeoprivacyInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 23.11. Living and Working Abroad as a Teacher
Dr. Marion Lange
Lehrerin an der Deutschen Schule Nairobi, Kenia
In the presentation, forms of German schools abroad (DAS) are introduced in general. Two DAS are considered in more detail. Subsequently, opportunities to work as a teacher at DAS will be shown.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 07.12. Flipped classroom model: possibilities for hybrid STEAM teaching
Dr. Olivera Cekić-Jovanović, Dr. Marija Stanojević Veselinović, Dr. Nenad Stevanovic & Dr. Jelena Mladenović
Assist. Professors von der Faculty of Education der University of Kragujevac, Serbien
With the appearance of the Sars-Cov2 virus, all schools in Serbia, as well as in almost all parts of the world, applied a combination of online and direct teaching - hybrid teaching. "Flipped classroom" is the most famous model of hybrid teaching, which implies "reversal" of the classic way of teaching.
Students learn new content at home with the help of multimedia and apply it in schools through active teaching methods - discussion, research activities, problem solving, experiments and work on projects. The emphasis will be on biology teaching content. The main objective is to show the experiences of teachers working in primary school following this teaching model, the model of "flipped classroom".Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 11.01. Introduction to the preparation, implementation and reflexion of multicultural pupil exchange programs
Dr. Victoria Storozenko
Dozentin am Institut für Schulpädagogik der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Dr. Sylwia Adamczak-Krysztofowicz
Professorin am Institute of Applied Linguistics der Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Polen
Vorab gibt es schon einmal eine Präsentation mit allen praktischen Tipps [pdf]
Encounters between individuals and/or groups are one of the current points of interest within the field of intercultural pedagogy. In fact, by means of such encounters, intercultural and transcultural contents can be practically taught and tested. Three main types of intercultural encounters can be distinguished: direct, indirect and combined encounters.
In our contribution we intend to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these three types of encounters from the perspective of intercultural and transcultural learning. Additionally, the examples from our own experience with encounter concepts and ideas will be presented and discussed.
In particular, we would like to focus on our international project 'POLDI', which lasted six semesters and involved Polish and German students in a study tour program implemented alternately in Poznań / Poland and Marburg / Germany. Prior to each real encounter, the initial contact was established in the working groups formed by both parties by means of a mediated encounter via e-mail. As an accompanying German-Polish management team, we provided the students from Poznań and Marburg with information material, basic theoretical texts and instructions on how to organize the exchange in an Internet forum set up specifically for this purpose. Importantly, the Internet forum served as an exchange platform between the students from both groups and between the students and the management team. This phase was followed by a real, face-to-face encounter, in which the essential joint work was taking place - in small groups and in plenary sessions alternately. After each study tour, the forum and email contacts continued. This allowed for following up on the direct encounter and perpetuating the exchange.
The aim of our presentation is also to offer suggestions for encounter programs in the context of DaF teaching (and other subjects) and initiate the discussion with the participants concerning the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of encounters for inter- and transcultural learning in schools and study programs.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 18.01. Didactic value of botanic gardens
Dr. Justyna Wiland-Szymanska
Associate Professor an der Faculty of Biology der Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Polen
Botanic gardens are regarded by a general public as leisure grounds with curious plants. These institutions are however much more, acting as refugia of plants and animals, as well as gene banks. They play a no less important role as places of nature education for the whole society, including persons with special needs. It is especially important in the cities, where children are often estranged from natural environment in their everyday life.
The presentation is an overview of different topics and activities, which may be taught in the botanic gardens, including examples of artistic and therapeutic methods. It also presents possibility of using various virtual and real life facilities and events, often already existing in these institutions, for teaching of subjects in natural sciences, including biology, geography and nature protection.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen 25.01. Teaching biodiversity
Dr. Justyna Wiland-Szymanska
Associate Professor an der Faculty of Biology der Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Polen
Dr. Szymon Konwerski
Assistant Professor, Natural History Collections der Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznan, Polen
In current times the need for nature protection is more and more pressing. At the same time pupils not always have a possibility to learn nature on living examples. Often a challenge is to replace fear with fascination, as only admiring nature leads to its protection. After an experience of teaching Erasmus students for 10 years together, as a botanist and a zoologist, we have developed our own original program for biodiversity classes for all ages. It combines laboratory and field classes performed in the surrounding environment.
During the meeting the students will learn how to organize laboratory and field classes, how to choose the groups of organisms best for teaching purposes and how to prepare useful supporting materials. We will prove, that documentation made by students during field classes plays an important part in a teaching process. In our understanding, this kind of classes change pupils/students attitude to the surrounding nature and its protection in the most effective way.