New publication in Empirical Economics
Iran after the Nuclear Deal: Which Way Forward?
The preliminary program of 5th Seasonal School with Iranian partners at CNMS
New publication at Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Summer School begins with the arrival of Iranian participants
New visiting researcher at the Department
Call for Applicants: “Water and Sustainable Development” Winter School 2018 in Mashhad, Iran
New Publication in Review of Development Economics
Program of "Water and Sustainable Development" Winter School in Mashhad 2018
Sixth seasonal school in Mashhad (Iran) concludes NAREM project
Interview of Professor Farzanegan on Iran's Government Budget (2019/20)
New Publication in Energy Policy
New Publication in Empirical Economics
NaDiMa - Socio-Economic, Cultural and Technical Aspects of Natural Disaster Management: A Dialogue between Germany and Iran
Our research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
New student assistants for NaDiMa project
DEBEC - Drivers and Socio-Economic, Behavioural Effects of Climate Change in Iran: The Case of Water Resources Management
New publication on “International Tourism and Outbreak of Coronavirus”
NaDiMa Dialogue #3 | Droughts, Sand & Dust Storms: Challenges and Management | 23rd September 2020, 11:00 - 12:30 CET
NaDiMa Dialogue #4 | Mitigation & Management of Floods: Lessons from Iran & Germany | 27 October 2020, 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (CET), online
NaDiMa Dialogue #5 | Introduction to Application of GIS in Natural Disaster Risk Management | 28 November 2020 | Workshop
NaDiMa Dialogue #6 | Using Stata for Climate Change Research | 17th December 2020, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (CET)
NaDiMa Dialogue #7 | Challenges and Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Views from Iran & Beyond | 18th December 2020, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (CET)
What Were the Economic Costs of the Islamic Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War?
Extension of NaDiMa project by DAAD/AA (2021-2022)
New study: "Drought and Property Prices: Empirical Evidence from Provinces of Iran"
Interview with Euronews (Persian) on The Economic Cost of the Islamic Revolution and War for Iran
NaDiMa Dialogue #8 | Developing Scenarios for Disaster Risk Reduction| 23 & 24 April 2021 | Workshop
New Publication: Post-Disaster Spillovers: Evidence from Iranian Provinces
Poster Dialogue 9.pdf
NaDiMa Dialogue #9 | The Economics of Natural Disasters | 24 & 26 May 2021 | Workshop
New Working Paper: Years of Life Lost to Revolution and War in Iran What was the effect of the Islamic revolution in Iran (1977-79) and the subsequent eight year war with Iraq (1980-88) on the life expectancy of Iranians?
New Publication: Youth Unemployment and Quality of Education in the MENA The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has the highest rate of youth unemployment worldwide. High records of youth unemployment have increased the risk of political instability and other social concerns. Our study aims to investigate the role of quality of education in explaining the within country variation of youth unemployment in the MENA region.
A webinar on "The Economic Cost of the Islamic Revolution and War for Iran" Professor Farzanegan presents the results of his study on “The Economic Cost of the Islamic Revolution and War for Iran: Synthetic Counterfactual Evidence (2020, Defence and Peace Economics)” in a webinar hosted by Hamid and Christina Moghadam Program in Iranian Studies at Stanford University. Date: 20 May 2021, 19:00-20:00 (CET)
New Publication: Responses of REITs Index and Commercial Property Prices to Economic Uncertainties In a joint study, Professor Farzanegan with his colleagues from Swinburne University of Technology & Western Sydney University have examined responses of REITs Index and commercial property prices to economic uncertainties. This study is in press at Research in International Business and Finance.
NaDiMa Dialogue #10 | The Effects of Weather Related Shocks on Commodity Price Dynamics | 25 & 27 June | Workshop
New Publication: The Effects of International Sanctions on Iran’s military spending: A Synthetic Control Analysis In a new study publsihed in Defence and Peace Economics , Professor Farzangean uses the synthetic control method to estimate the effect of international banking and energy sanctions from 2012 to 2015 on Iran’s military spending. Over the entire 2013–2015 period, per capita military spending was reduced by approximately 117 US$ per year on average.
New Open Access Publication: Growing up in the Iran–Iraq war and preferences for strong defense Professors Farzanegan and Gholipour have published a new study in the Review of Development Economics. The study examines the relationship between individuals’ experiences of the Iran–Iraq war (1980–1988) during early adulthood (18–25 years) and their preference for strong national defense forces and their willingness to fight for Iran (in the event of another war).
Neue Website für Studieninteressierte Der Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften hat eine neue Website speziell für Studieninteressierte online geschaltet. Die Website informiert über das Angebot der Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge und soll Studieninteressierte bei der Entscheidung für einen Studiengang unterstützen sowie die überregionale Bekanntheit steigern. Weitere Studiengänge werden schrittweise eingebunden.
NaDiMa Dialogue #11 | Economics of Climate Change: Application of Spatial Econometric Techniques with R | 9 & 11 August | Workshop
NaDiMa Dialogue #12 | Game Theory and Decision Analysis Tools for Environmental Diplomacy and Modeling Conflicts | 15 & 17 September
New Open Access Publication: "Oil price shocks, protest, and the shadow economy: Is there a mitigation effect?" In a new study which is published in Economics & Politics, Phoebe W. Ishak and Mohammad Reza Farzanegan, focus on whether fluctuations in oil prices induce conflict in oil-dependent countries and whether the size of the shadow economy can mitigate these effects.
NaDiMa Dialogue #13 | Introduction to Model-based Assessments of Economic Shocks and Policies in Resource-Dependent Economies | 27 & 29 September
NaDiMa Closing Panel Discussion | 9.12.2021 | 12 - 13.30 CET
New Publication in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
DEBEC-Workshop in Mashhad (Iran) on 21/22 June 2022
New Publication: A matter of trust? Political trust and the COVID-19 pandemic A new study by Mohamamd Reza Farzanegan and Hans Philipp Hofmann (CNMS) on political trust and the COVID-19 pandemic is published in International Journal of Sociology.
NaDiMa Dialogue #19 | An Overview of Floods Over the Past Decades in Iran (30 June 2022)
New Publication in Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy: "Is It Right to Fight? Evidence from Russia and Ukraine"
Impressions from the NaDiMa Workshop in Marburg 2022
New Publication: Government’s support for adoption of digital technologies and firms’ innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic A new stuy by economists from Swinburne University of Technology, Western Sydney University and CNMS on firms’ innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic is published online in Applied Economics .
New Publication: Firms persistence under sanctions A recent study by Mohammad Reza Farzanegan (joint with Iman Cheratian, and Saleh Goltabar) published in the World Economy investigated the approaches of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in persisting during international sanctions against Iran.
New Publication: Governments’ economic support for households during the COVID-19 pandemic and consumer confidence The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the economy and human lives around the world. To combat the socio-economic implications of the pandemic, governments have introduced support packages, unprecedented in their scales. A new study by economists Hassan Gholipour, Reza Tajaddini & Mohammad Reza Farzanegan investigates which government economic policy to support households during the pandemic has been able to restore consumer confidence.
Disputation von Sven Fischer zur Dissertation "Political Economy of Natural Disasters"
The study program “M.Sc. Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)” is re- accredited
New Working Paper: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Marriage and Childbirth: Survey-based Evidence from Iran
New Working Paper: The Effect of the “Woman Life Freedom” Protests on Life Satisfaction in Iran: Evidence from Survey Data
New Publication: Natural disaster literacy in Iran: Survey-based evidence from Tehran
New Publication: "Islam and entrepreneurship: The role of Islamic banking"
New Publication: "Nighttime light development after the 2001 flood in Iran: A synthetic control analysis"
A New Publication in The Lancet: Sanctions & Health A correspondence authored by Professors Farzanegan (Philipps-Universität Marburg, CNMS), Majdzadeh (University of Essex, UK) and Sajadi (University of Medical Sciences, Iran) is published in The Lancet.
New Publication: The impact of a large-scale natural disaster on local economic activity: evidence from the 2003 Bam earthquake in Iran In this new study, Mohammad Reza Farzanegan and Sven Fischer investigate how the Bam earthquake affected local economic activity in Iran.
New Study Examines Impact of Sanctions on Internal Conflict in Iran A new MAGKS working paper by Professors Farzanegan and Gutmann examines the complex relationship between international sanctions and internal conflict in Iran. By analyzing quarterly data from 2001 to 2020, the study provides a fresh perspective on how changes in the intensity of sanctions influence domestic unrest, specifically civil disorder, terrorism, and civil war.