16.12.2020 Extension of NaDiMa project by DAAD/AA (2021-2022)

We are pleased to announce the positive decision of DAAD selection committee on the extension application of NaDiMa project for the next two years with 200,000 Euro. The project is within the DAAD program "Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World" funded by Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt). Our project on "Socio-Economic, Cultural and Technical Aspects of Natural Disaster Management (NaDiMa)" which started in 2020 will continue its collaboration with partners in Iran and Germany in order to boost academic and cultural exchange between Iran and Germany. In the extended phase of NaDiMa, we aim:
- to bring together German and Iranian students and academics through an academic and cultural dialogue. This will help to create a mutual understanding of the cultural and learning differences.
- to modernize teaching in involved partner universities, for example with new curricula and improvement of quality management processes. It is also our goal to connect research and teaching as well as combine theory and practice.
- to support young researchers and especially female scholars in our project.
- to increase our network of researchers and relevant institutes to plan future research and study projects.
- And to include relevant institutes such as public authorities, and civil society in our projects, so that we can have a multiple layer cultural and academic dialogue and larger impact.
The second phase of the NaDiMa is built on successful collaboration between the project members over the past years including the first phase of the project in 2020. Before NaDiMa initiative, Prof. Dr. Farzanegan from Philipps University of Marburg worked together with Prof. Dr. Alaedini of the University of Tehran in a three-year DAAD project. Prof. Farzanegan also has joint publications with Prof. Dr. Krieger of the University of Freiburg and Prof. Alaedini. In addition to the already successful projects, the selection of the partners was mainly based on their expertise in the field of natural disaster management, which all partners can demonstrate through practical activities and/or publications. The selection of Iran as a partner country results from its special geographical location and its long experience with severe natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, drought, dust and sandstorms. The exchange on different aspects of natural disasters in Germany and Iran can help to understand the phenomena and develop strategies to improve the management of natural disasters. This, in addition to the education of students and young scientists, contributes significantly to the sustainable development goals, for example through the channel of education quality. By targeting young as well as experienced academics, NaDiMa is able to address the gap between theory and policymaking in the field of natural disaster management in a specific and focused way, thereby ensuring quality and inclusive education for all participants in Iran and Germany and increase disaster literacy.
We have prepared different plans for our events and activities during 2021/2022 considering the possible effects of COVID-19 situation. Further information will be published in the project website: https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/cnms/wirtschaft/forschung/projekte
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Reza Farzanegan