12.02.2021 Interview with Euronews (Persian) on The Economic Cost of the Islamic Revolution and War for Iran

Iran celebrates 42nd anniversary of Islamic Revolution, one of the major revolutions of the 20th century which ended the monarchy system on 11 February 1979. In September 1980, Iraq invaded Iran, and the world observed one of the longest interstate wars between two major oil producers (1980–1988).
A key question is what Iran’s economy would look like in the absence of revolution, war, and violence. Gaining an evidence-based insight on the economic costs of conflict is becoming more important given the current increasing tension between Iran and the US allies.
Mohammad Farzanegan in a new study which published in Defence and Peace Economics used Synthetic Control Method to examine the impact of joint treatment of a new political regime and war against Iraq on Iran’s annual per capita GDP (in constant 2010 US$) for the period 1978–1988, from the start of the revolution/war and until the end of the conflict.
The full paper can be read at: https://doi.org/10.1080/10242694.2020.1825314
Farzanegan had an exclusive interview about the findings of this study with Euronews (Persian) at the 42nd anniversary of Islamic Revolution. The conversation is available at: https://per.euronews.com/2021/02/10/iran-revolution-war-economic-impacts-interview-farzanegan
Prof. Dr. Mohammad R. Farzanegan