19.04.2021 NaDiMa Dialogue #8 | Developing Scenarios for Disaster Risk Reduction| 23 & 24 April 2021 | Workshop

On behalf of the Economics of the Middle East Research Group of Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) & the Natural Disaster Management (NaDiMa) academic exchange project, we cordially invite you to our eighth online NaDiMa Dialogue on
Developing Scenarios for Disaster Risk Reduction
The consequences of major (natural) disasters on modern systems have become increasingly evident. From the COVID-19 pandemic to market collapses, to the imminent dangers of climate change, disasters threaten to inflict greater societal and economic impact over time, while system fragility has become ever more apparent. Reducing the risk of/from disasters is crucial for building resilience and sustainable development in general. However, mitigating and managing risk requires imagining and analyzing future uncertainties, some of which are even unknown unknowns – uncertain variables yet to discover.
This two-day workshop will introduce participants to the – often unfamiliar – notion of foresight and scenarios. We will start by showing the need for inventive imaginary to manage disaster risk before exploring the various concepts and nuances of scenarios (alongside examples from different fields). The workshop will eventually focus on training participants in the art of developing scenarios and the various ways to make use of them.
Aims of the Workshop:
• Understanding the world of scenarios
• Spotting risks and anticipating the future
• Deriving decisions, monitoring systems, and communication strategies.
The workshop is aimed at Master & PhD students from the fields of Economics, Disaster Management, Human Geography, Urban Engineering, and similar fields. No prior knowledge is required.
Workshop Instructor:
Dr. Dawud Ansari
Dr. Dawud Ansari is an interdisciplinary researcher, consultant, lecturer, and international development practitioner. He is an expert on the application of foresight methods to various fields. Dr. Ansari published the innovative DIW-REM Outlook, teaches scenario development, and organizes scenario workshops for government stakeholders and business leaders.
Registration and Technical Requirements:
Time and Place: 23 April 2021, 10:00 - 16:00 (CET) and 24 April 2021, 9:00 - 18:00 (CET), Online via Adobe Connect
How to join: Click here to register for the event.
You can find the poster to the event here.
NaDiMa Team
Mail: nadima@uni-marburg.de