03.04.2019 New Publication in Empirical Economics

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Reza Farzanegan (@MR_Farzanegan) has published a new research article entitled “Cognitive ability and corruption: rule of law (still) matters” in the Empirical Economics.
This study shows that the “longer time horizon” argument proposed by Potrafke (@ifo_Institut) with regard to the negative effect of a higher national average cognitive ability on corruption holds only for countries with a relatively high quality of legal systems. Using a sample of 94 countries from around the world, our cross-country regression analyses show the moderating role of rule of law in the final effects of cognitive abilities on corruption. The results are robust after using different indicators of corruption, rule of law and cognitive skills.
For more details see: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-019-01687-4
A full-text view-only version of this paper is available at: https://rdcu.be/busni